Mon.Nov 22, 2021

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Children adopted from care falls to lowest in 21 years, government figures show

Community Care

The number of children adopted from care fell to its lowest level in 21 years in 2020-21, Department for Education (DfE) figures show. Their number fell by 18% on the year to 2,870, the lowest total since 1999-2000. Delays in family court proceedings during Covid-19 pandemic accelerated the latest annual decline in adoptions, but the number has fallen each year since a peak of 5,360 in 2014-15.

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How you can use the self better in social work (no hacks required)

Save the Social Worker

Introduction. After 2 years in social work, I admit. I haven’t used the self that well in social work. It came as a surprise, really. As pompous as this might sound, I thought I wasn’t that bad a social worker. After all, a first-class honours degree should have been a stamp of guarantee that I was good, right? I don’t say this to boast. But I share this because I want you to know that 2 years of life on the frontlines, led me to see how little university had taught me about social work.


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Council ‘failed to consider man’s circumstances’ in assessing finances

Community Care

A council failed to take into account a man’s circumstances in deciding not to disregard the the costs of a holiday carer from his financial assessment, which meant that he could not go on holiday. The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman has asked Northumberland council to review its decision not to consider this cost as disability-related expenditure (DRE) after finding that it had caused Mr X an injustice as a result of its “inflexible approach” While the watchdog said

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The 2022 World Social Work Day Poster Launched

International Federation of Social Workers

The 2022 World Social Work Day Poster Launched The 2022 World Social Work Day Poster was launched today. It highlights the theme ´Co-building a New Eco-Social World: Leaving No One Behind´. The theme coincides with the name of the people´s global summit that will take place on the 29th June to the 2nd July. The […].

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5 Must Haves for Case Management

Thousands of nonprofits rely on case management software to help collect data, manage programs, coordinate with agencies, and provide life-changing health and human services. Adopting a cloud-based case management platform is essential for nonprofits and government agencies to operate more efficiently and make better use of their funding and budget.

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The Digital Divide is a Human Rights Issue


SWHELPER. The COVID-19 pandemic shed a glaring light on the important role that technology and access to high-speed internet play our lives. You would not be able to read this story without an internet connection and a device to read it on. How would you communicate with loved ones, do your homework or pay your bills […]. View Full Article - The Digital Divide is a Human Rights Issue.

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Social worker talks about importance of self-care in self-published book

Social Work Blog

A man practices self-care by taking time to relax in nature and listen to music. Social workers dedicate their lives to helping others, including some of the most vulnerable people in our society. However, research shows members of the social work profession are more likely to experience work-related stress, burnout, and a lower quality of life compared to other professions and the general population.

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How to Heal from ACEs and Childhood Trauma

Stop Abuse Campaign

← Self-Parenting for Abuse Survivors. Not all forms of abuse are visible. In fact, many people go through their lives silently suffering from childhood trauma. When you are a child, you hope that your family will protect you, look after you when you are sick, and make sure you have everything you need. You assume the people who brought you into the world will care about you. .

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Ministers defy Tory rebellion to push through social care cap amendment

The Guardian

Change to how cap is calculated is set to disproportionately hit England’s poorer pensioners Ministers have pushed through an amendment to England’s social care plans, which is set to disproportionately hit poorer pensioners, despite a sizeable rebellion from backbenchers. The change means that council contributions to care fees would not go towards the cap , which means poorer people who get means-tested help would end up paying the same as richer people if they needed care for a significant am

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Celebrate National Adoption Day November 23

Social Work Blog

By Cynthia Henderson, PhD, LICSW, LCSW-C. NASW Senior Practice Associate, School Social Work and Child Welfare. November 23rd marks National Adoption Day. In 1976, Governor Michael Dukakis of Massachusetts decided to celebrate adoption for seven days in his state. Eight years later, President Ronald Regan expanding the observance to becoming National Adoption Week.

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Metacognitive therapy for depressive symptoms in cardiac patients: new findings from the PATHWAY trial

The Social Care Elf

Lydia Poole reviews a recent randomised controlled trial evaluating group metacognitive therapy for depression and anxiety in cardiac patients. The post Metacognitive therapy for depressive symptoms in cardiac patients: new findings from the PATHWAY trial appeared first on National Elf Service.

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Get Connected: Using Social Media for Social Work Success

Speaker: Gary Direnfeld, MSW, RSW.

You may have the clinical skills to manage a private practice, but your success could actually hinge on marketing skills. For a thriving practice, you need to differentiate yourself from others and present yourself in a way that attracts referrals. These days, much of that happens online, including on social media. In this webinar, Gary Direnfeld will discuss how social media marketing can help you build your private practice and grow your client base.

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The Guardian view on social care: ministers plump for unfairness

The Guardian

Reducing the entitlement of poorer homeowners is the wrong way to cut the cost of this long-delayed scheme In order to reduce the cost of its new social care funding scheme for England by an estimated £900m , the government has opted to reduce the entitlement of less well-off people. Under the proposals put forward a decade ago by the economist Sir Andrew Dilnot, which ministers announced in September that they had decided to take forward , a cap on contributions will be applied.

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4 Ways You Can Overcome Glossophobia* and Become an Amazing Social Work Speaker

The New Social Worker

Public speaking is practiced throughout the social work profession. With a public speaking mindset, focus on the audience, practice, and observation of colleagues, social workers can build their speaking skills and overcome glossophobia.

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England’s social care cap will see poorest areas lose greater share of property wealth

The Guardian

Analysis shows those in deprived northern areas face spending 60% of eligible property value compared to 20% in the south Homeowners in the poorest areas of England face losing a three times greater share of their housing wealth to pay for social care than people in the most affluent areas, Guardian analysis reveals. Last week ministers decided not to count means-tested council funding of care towards a new £86,000 care cap , forcing people to pay more towards their care.

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Dating as Pandemic Restrictions Ease


Marisa Markowitz. By Marisa Markowitz, LMSW, CASAC-T and Daniel Pollack, MSW, Esq. During the pandemic, live dating was a chore. Safety restrictions created an undesirable situation where online dating was the only way to meet people. And yet, there was a silver lining: the opportunity for some to understand a potential partner in more uncensored and authentic […].

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Welsh Labour and Plaid Cymru to cooperate on almost 50 policy areas

The Guardian

Parties say deal is not coalition but ‘bespoke agreement’ to create a stable Senedd capable of delivering ‘radical change and reform’ Radical plans ranging from strict restrictions on second home ownership to setting up a publicly owned energy company and driving forward a free nationwide social care system have been announced in an agreement between the Labour-led Welsh government and the nationalists, Plaid Cymru.

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Using Ecomaps in Social Work Practice!

Social Work Bubble

Social work has a multitude of social work interventions and tools, and an ecomap is one that we learn A LOT about in college. It’s a great tool that can offer helpful insight on a person supports and resources. We’ll dive into what an eco-map, how it’s used, and what the point in using this tool is! The Social Work Bubble Etsy Shop Eco Map Worksheet What is an Eco-Map?

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UK politics live: Boris Johnson claims social care plans ‘incredibly generous’ ahead of Commons vote

The Guardian

Latest updates: Labour says government proposals disproportionately benefit wealthier pensioners UK minister refuses to rule out people having to sell homes to fund care The England social care cap: how will it work and is it fair? Johnson is now defending the integrated rail plan. He says some people thought Covid would lead to a real change in working habits, with more people working from home.

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Using Ecomaps in Social Work Practice!

Social Work Bubble

Social work has a multitude of social work interventions and tools, and an ecomap is one that we learn A LOT about in college. It’s a great tool that can offer helpful insight on a person supports and resources. We’ll dive into what an eco-map, how it’s used, and what the point in using this tool is! The Social Work Bubble Etsy Shop Eco Map Worksheet.

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Boris Johnson’s travails: the major issues plaguing No 10

The Guardian

Analysis : the PM is facing difficulties on multiple fronts as he attempts to placate mounting backbench anger Boris Johnson is once again facing mounting anger from Conservative MPs, as the he struggles to brush off chaos on multiple fronts and avoid them spiralling into more serious questions about his leadership. Here are the major issues currently plaguing Downing Street.

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Predictors of veterans’ well-being after leaving service

Society of Clinical Psychology

Although many individuals do well after leaving the military, the transition from military to civilian life can be challenging for some military veterans. Understanding how veterans fare when they leave service is important to inform early intervention and prevention efforts. To date most research aimed at identifying veterans at risk for poor post-military outcomes has focused nearly exclusively on identifying predictors of experiencing health conditions, with little attention to factors that i

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How did your MP vote on social care funding?

The Guardian

The House of Commons tonight voted to change a formula that would have protected the savings of less-well-off pensioners who had to pay for their care. Nineteen Tory MPs seem to have rebelled and many more did not vote. Find out how yours voted Continue reading.

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Using Ecomaps in Social Work Practice!

Social Work Bubble

Social work has a multitude of social work interventions and tools, and an ecomap is one that we learn A LOT about in college. It’s a great tool that can offer helpful insight on a person supports and resources. We’ll dive into what an eco-map, how it’s used, and what the point in using this tool is! The Social Work Bubble Etsy Shop Eco Map Worksheet.

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UK employers step up demand for workers vaccinated against Covid

The Guardian

Analysis shows job adverts requiring candidates to be jabbed rose by 189% between August and October Employers in the UK are following the lead of their counterparts in the US by stepping up demands for staff to be vaccinated against Covid-19, analysis of recruitment adverts reveals. According to figures from the jobs website Adzuna, the number of ads explicitly requiring candidates to be vaccinated rose by 189% between August and October as more firms ask for workers to be jabbed before they st

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NASW Press Holiday Sale: Save 25% Off Select Books and eBooks!

Social Work Blog

This holiday season visit NASW Press for all things social work: books, eBooks, CEU books, reference works, journals, brochures, and standards. Use code HOLIDAY21 to get 25% off select Holiday Sale books and eBooks. If you have questions please send an email to or call 1-800-227-3590. _. You Might Also Be Interested In. 30% Off All CE Institute Content.

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Johnson ‘losing the confidence’ of Tory party after rambling CBI speech

The Guardian

Senior party members concerned after chaotic fortnight, with PM said to be losing his grip over key policies Conservative MPs are increasingly worried about Boris Johnson’s competence and drive after he gave a rambling speech to business leaders and was accused of losing his grip over a series of key policies from social care to rail. Senior members of his own party said they needed Johnson to get the government back on track after a disastrous two weeks amid dismay about his performance at the

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William Elliott Delivers the Alice P. Lin Memorial Lecture

Michigan Social Work

William Elliott was the keynote for the Alice P. Lin Memorial Lecture at Columbia University. Elliott’s talk, "We Also Have to Give Children Something to Live For: Children's Savings, Student Debt, and Wealth Inequality,” argued that the drive Americans have demonstrated throughout their history comes not just from having enough money to pay their bills each week or enough to live on, but from the promise of a better future and that Children’s Savings Accounts can play a role in realizing that f

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The NHS is facing the hardest winter in its history, and still the Tories vandalise it | Polly Toynbee

The Guardian

The health and social care bill has been sabotaged by government ideologues still in thrall to privatisation A screeching U-turn to save northern homeowners’ inheritances, or plunging his bulldozer through his own “red wall” seats? Regardless of the vote on how much people will pay for the government’s social care reforms, Boris Johnson has never had a plan to rescue England’s stricken social care system itself.

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Alcoholic Ketoacidosis

Gateway Foundation

Alcoholic ketoacidosis is a metabolic condition resulting from excessive alcohol consumption. Binge drinking affects the body in complicated ways and can prohibit organs from performing their necessary functions. Alcoholic ketoacidosis can be painful, dangerous and even fatal, often requiring a visit to an emergency room or intensive care unit for recovery.

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New safety net is a big step forward in tackling the lottery of old age

The Guardian

Analysis: the engineering of England’s social care cap has been divisive, but for most people it is a positive step From October 2023, no one in England will have to pay more than £86,000 in care costs out of their own pocket. Even for government critics, this is a big step forward in tackling the lottery of old age that for decades has seen a minority lose most of their hard-earned assets just because they were unlucky enough to be struck down by long-term illness that required years of care.

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Four vital Psychosocial aspects in communicating with the terminally ill patient and family

Hospice Chaplaincy

Jo Hockley Since the 1960s there has been an increasing interest in the psychosocial aspects of end of life care. Continue Reading.

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Jeremy Hunt calls social care plan ‘stingy’ but urges Tories to back it

The Guardian

Ex-health secretary says parts of proposals are a big disappointment but could be improved in future Latest politics news – live updates The former health secretary Jeremy Hunt has urged Conservative backbenchers to back the government’s changes to social care funding, despite describing parts of the plan as “a really big disappointment” and “stingy”.

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Second Season Episode 33: A Conversation with Cathy Siebold on the early years of the Hospice movement

Hospice Chaplaincy

Saul Ebema talks with Dr. Cathy Siebold- a legendary social worker, psychotherapist and social movement theorist. Cathy Siebold is also Continue Reading.

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Martin Rowson on Boris Johnson’s social care plan – cartoon

The Guardian

Buy a copy of this cartoon at our print shop Continue reading.

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Advocates Build Support for the Social Service Workforce During Social Service Workforce Week

Social Service Workforce