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No new funding for children’s social care reforms in Tory manifesto despite £2.6bn care review bill

Community Care

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll. The Conservatives have allocated no new funding to reforming children’s social care in their election manifesto, despite the blueprint for the changes carrying a £2.6bn bill. The manifesto, issued yesterday , made two specific pledges on children’s social care, to create more places in children’s homes and to expand befriending and mentoring programmes for care leavers.

Adoption 188
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When Your Co-Parent is a N-rcissist

Gary Direnfeld

One of the more challenging realities when in a parenting dispute with a n-rcissist, is coming to terms with the fact that no one will rescue you. Not the courts, not your lawyer, not any therapist. It’s a harsh reality. Rather, one must learn how to cope, how to manage the n-rcissist, how to handle kids being adversely influenced, how to best navigate the court system.


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Mounting social care costs leave councils facing £6.2bn black hole over next two years, warns LGA

Community Care

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll. Mounting social care costs will leave English councils facing a £6.2bn financial black hole over the next two years, the Local Government Association has warned political parties ahead of the general election. The LGA calculated that authorities would need an additional £4.7bn in 2025-26, compared with 2024-25, to maintain services at existing levels, but would only be able to cover half of

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5 Best books on making case management less painful

Save the Social Worker

Being a case manager , is hard. We get it. You’re swamped, always. Wake up, check your phone, and you immediately see dozens of messages asking for your attention. Your boss is asking you for a meeting to discuss another work project about the staff retreat. You see your client messaging you over Whatsapp Business, trying to get your attention. Then there are the emails that have already started streaming in.

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5 Must Haves for Case Management

Thousands of nonprofits rely on case management software to help collect data, manage programs, coordinate with agencies, and provide life-changing health and human services. Adopting a cloud-based case management platform is essential for nonprofits and government agencies to operate more efficiently and make better use of their funding and budget.

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Launch of Ubuntu Platform: IASSW International Project

The International Association Of Schools Of Social

You are cordially invited to the launch of the Launch of Ubuntu Platform funded by IASSW International Project on Friday, 14 June | 08AM-12PM WAT | 09AM-1PM CAT/SAT | 10AM-2PM EAT. || Rationale and Purpose of the Project -There is evidence that the philosophy of Ubuntu can play a huge role in transforming and decolonising social work learning, teaching and practice.

Welfare 135
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Arizona Joins the Interstate Social Work Licensure Compact

Social Work Blog

This week, the Arizona State Legislature once again failed to advance lifesaving mental health legislation. Social workers across our country work tirelessly to combat the ever-growing mental health crisis facing our nation. The Social Work Licensure Compact, spearheaded by the Department of Defense, seeks to address the critically important issue of licensure mobility for military spouses and enhances access to critical mental health services nationwide.

Military 114

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Medication for Depression or Anxiety

Gary Direnfeld

If you have been prescribed medication for depression or anxiety, it is important to know it can take a good four to six weeks before you truly feel the benefit. Unlike a Tylenol for a headache which usually reaches therapeutic level in about 20 minutes, medications for depression and anxiety literally takes weeks. If there are side affects, the most common being headache, nausea, upset stomach, sleep disturbance, most subside in two to three weeks.

Anxiety 173
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Nearly half of England’s care workers get less than real living wage, study finds

The Guardian

Exclusive: Campaigners say next government should match policy in Scotland and Wales ensuring adequate pay Nearly half of all care workers in England earn less than a real living wage, according to research. Analysis by the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) for the Living Wage Foundation found that 400,000 workers in social care (43% of the workforce) in England are paid less than £12 an hour, the amount required to cover living costs.

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Nursing Leadership: What Is It and Why Is It Important?


Nursing leadership is one of the most important ways to motivate and inspire nurses to practice at the top of their licensure. The American Nurses Association describes a nurse leader as one who inspires and influences others to achieve their maximum potential using leadership skills and critical thinking. Nurses can lead by sharing and propelling ideas and innovation at any point throughout their careers and do not necessarily need to hold an official leadership title or role.

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Victims of abuse in foster care shpuldn´t have to choose between compensation and justice

NCCPR Child Welfare Blog

Private foster care agencies in New York tell victims of abuse on their watch: If we don´t get a taxpayer bailout, you won´t get compensation for what was done to you. A lawyer for survivors apparently agrees. Last month, I wrote a column for the New York Daily News about the attempt by New Yorks´s private foster care, group home and residential treatment agencies to get a taxpayer bailout of up to $200 million.

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Get Connected: Using Social Media for Social Work Success

Speaker: Gary Direnfeld, MSW, RSW.

You may have the clinical skills to manage a private practice, but your success could actually hinge on marketing skills. For a thriving practice, you need to differentiate yourself from others and present yourself in a way that attracts referrals. These days, much of that happens online, including on social media. In this webinar, Gary Direnfeld will discuss how social media marketing can help you build your private practice and grow your client base.

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Parents: Launching Pads and Guidance Systems

Gary Direnfeld

At fourteen she was fawning over a guy. The guy was also fourteen. School was a distant afterthought for her. What she wanted was that boy. He was a decent boy. Naïve. Good family. She certainly distracted him. He was also her distraction. She needed distraction from her life at home. She put on a brave face. She presented so lovely. It was a mask. The mask covered all that she saw.

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Britain’s judges are sick of locking up children who just need help. Why has nothing been done?

The Guardian

Lack of provision for complex cases is a moral failure by our ‘civilised’ country, says a former president of the high court’s family division The BBC recently reported extensively on the rising and excessive use of deprivation of liberty (DoL) orders on vulnerable children. What was described is shocking and the stories they reported are heartbreaking.

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Commonwealth Young Carers Urge Heads of Government to Support the Young Carers Charter

International Federation of Social Workers

Eighteen young carers from eleven Commonwealth countries have created a video promoting the Commonwealth Charter for Young Carers, urging leaders to endorse it at their October 2024 meeting in Samoa.

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Palliative Care in Oncology is Necessary—But How Do We Define It?


OncLive article discusses how quality of life (QOL) is a crucial measure in cancer care, but achieving these goals with palliative care can be challenging due to various barriers.

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Conservative manifesto pledge to implement cap on care costs is unfunded, warns think-tank

Community Care

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll. A Conservative manifesto pledge to implement a cap on adult social care costs and associated charging reforms is unfunded, a think-tank has warned. The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) said the plan to implement the changes in October 2025 would require cuts elsewhere, because the funding originally allocated to the scheme had been diverted and the party did not allocate any funding to th

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Big Feelings, Tension, Fear…

Gary Direnfeld

Abandonment. That sense of being left behind. It’s so triggering. Then when the distance is bridged and the dramatic reconnection wears, the doubt sets back in. Then the sabotaging. Not sure if it’s oneself or the other. It’s just insecure again. The ambivalence creates tension yet again. It can’t be tolerated and away they go again.

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Social care is a timebomb beneath Britain – why does neither main party have a plan to tackle it? | Gaby Hinsliff

The Guardian

Plans to fund adult care have been derided as a ‘dementia tax’ or a ‘death tax’. The carers I visited showed me that what they need is both urgent and simple In a church hall in suburban Croydon, south London, a familiar Beatles medley plays. The crowd sways and sings along, and an 80-year-old woman reaches out to hold her husband’s hand. Paul has vascular dementia and can no longer speak, but he smiles occasionally as if in recognition.

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Indonesian and Malaysian Social Worker Associations Strengthen Ties

International Federation of Social Workers

Dr. Puji Pujiono, MSW, President of the Indonesian Independent Association of Professional Social Workers (IPSPI), presented a memento during his visit to the Malaysian Association of Social Workers.

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Remembering Joseph (Joe) Bankoff

National Casa Gal

We are deeply saddened to share that Joseph R. Bankoff, long-time member, and former Chair of the National CASA/GAL Board of Trustees, passed away on June 10. Read More. The post Remembering Joseph (Joe) Bankoff appeared first on National CASA/GAL Association for Children.

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Proportion of social work roles offered part-time grows slightly but remains less than a quarter

Community Care

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll. The proportion of social work roles advertised as part-time or flexible hours has grown for the second consecutive year but remains at less than a quarter. Almost a quarter of positions (23.1%) were advertised as either part-time, part-time or full-time or available on a flexible-hours basis, found a Social Workers Union (SWU) study of online job postings in April and May this year.

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Even Burned Out, Kids Needs You

Gary Direnfeld

You may be a burned out parent. You can recognize it by giving into your kids’ demands while complaining they don’t listen. You may find yourself trying to buy their understanding and reasonable behavior while thinking they are ungrateful and/or spoiled. You may be seeking help for them, hoping someone else can either talk some sense into them or help them see how good they’ve got it.

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Vulnerable children locked up and ‘gravely damaged by the state’, England’s former top family judge warns

The Guardian

Sir James Munby says measure reflects government’s ‘shocking moral failure’ to help those with complex needs • Britain’s judges are sick of locking up vulnerable children who just need help. Why has nothing been done? Vulnerable children with complex needs are being locked away in unregulated placements and are being “gravely damaged by the state” while their parents are driven to despair, according to England’s former top family judge.

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Sierra Leone National Social Work Conference 2024 Concludes with a Focus on Regulation and Ethical Standards

International Federation of Social Workers

The Sierra Leone Association of Social Workers (SLASW), in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Welfare, successfully hosted the National Social Work Conference 2024 on April 29th at the Tunde […]

Welfare 52
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Disparities Found in Palliative Care Utilization among Men with Prostate Cancer


Renal and Urology News article summarizes a study presented at ASCO highlighting significant disparities in palliative care utilization for men with prostate cancer.

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How prioritisation tool can help councils tackle their DoLS backlogs

Community Care

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll. By Lorraine Currie The number of Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) cases handled by English councils hit another record high in 2022-23. Though councils completed a record 289,150 applications, the backlog grew by 2%, to 126,000, and the average duration of completed cases increased from 153 to 156, year on year.

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An Inauguration Ceremony on the Global Standards for Social Work Education and Training E-platform

The International Association Of Schools Of Social

On 29 May 2024, in partnership with the International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW), APSS of PolyU organised an online inauguration ceremony to officially announce and celebrate the opening of the Global Standards for Social Work Education and Training e-learning course. The event signifies a significant milestone in the partnership between IASSW and APSS.

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‘I literally work to pay bills’: A care worker’s struggle to make ends meet

The Guardian

As research reveals half of care workers in England earn less than living wage, Matt shares his own struggle in the sector Nearly half of all care workers in England are paid less than the living wage, according to research. Analysis carried out by the Institute for Public Policy Research for the Living Wage Foundation found that 400,000 workers in social care are paid less than £12 an hour, the amount required to cover living costs.

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Terri Gilbert Receives Youth Justice Lifetime Achievement Award

Michigan Social Work

Lecturer Terri Gilbert has received the Youth Justice Lifetime Achievement Award from the Michigan Center for Youth Justice. “This work is not done by one person alone, this award is more than a personal accolade; it is a testament to the collective efforts of many,” said Gilbert. “I extend my heartfelt gratitude to countless dedicated colleagues, advocates and mentors who have been a part of this journey and, most importantly, the young people and families whose lives we strive to impact every

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Response to the PUSWP call for the expulsion of the IUSW

International Federation of Social Workers

This statement is a response to the Palestinian Union of Social Workers and Psychologists (PUSWP) call for the Israeli Union of Social Workers (IUSW) to be expelled by IFSW.

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Prioritizing Safety: Legislation, Training Can Help Keep Social Workers Safe on the Job

Social Work Blog

By Sue Coyle In February, Lynn Stanley, LICSW, executive director of the NASW New Hampshire and Vermont chapters, testified before Vermont’s Senate Committee on Health and Welfare. Her testimony came nearly a year after a Vermont social worker—the second in eight years—was killed while on the job. The state’s Department of Mental Health, in consultation with NASW-Vermont and numerous other organizations, is seeking to amend an established bill to create a work/study group to review the research

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Forensic social work education around the world: Challenges, dilemmas and hopes for the future

The Social Care Elf

Forensic social work is not recognised as a separate discipline from generic social work education offered at the BA or MA level in universities worldwide (Wormer, 2008; Lattes and Davis,2023). The pedagogy and practice of forensic social work vary significantly depending on jurisdiction. Its focus is on supporting individuals involved in the criminal and legal [read the full story.

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Proactive Symptom Management Improves Outcomes for Advanced Cancer Patients


ASCO study reveals how outpatient palliative care, introduced early, improved symptoms, quality of life, and mood for people with cancer.

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Daphne Watkins Receives Pynn-Silvermann Lifetime Achievement Award

Michigan Social Work

Professor Daphne Watkins has received the Pynn-Silverman Lifetime Achievement Award from the Textbook & Academic Authors Association. The award was established to honor individuals whose achievements over a career demonstrate the highest degree of commitment to excellence in authoring works to advance their discipline, encouraging and supporting the work of colleagues, and educating students in the field.

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All About the Vagus Nerve

Beautiful Voyager

Vagus Nerve Notes gathered from various resources by Amanda Joyce Photo by Basil James In the past three months, my understanding of how to navigate my dysregulated nervous system has been super-charged through my learnings about polyvagal theory and the inner workings of the vagus nerve. I read Stanley Rosenberg’s seminal book on the topic and met regularly with an incredible somatic educator / coach, Amanda Joyce , who has helped me put the pieces together in a new way.

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Free social care for all should be a Labour policy | Letter

The Guardian

Sally Powell says the policy that her husband introduced in 1991 in one London borough – and from which he now benefits – could be implemented by every local authority It has been reported that the Labour party is meeting this Friday to agree its manifesto. One of the most important challenges people face is the cost of social care for their loved ones.