Sat.Nov 27, 2021 - Fri.Dec 03, 2021

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Full spirit of Care Act not being met, says DHSC ahead of return of local authority performance assessment

Community Care

The “full spirit of the Care Act” is not being met, the government has said as it plans to reintroduce performance assessments of council adult services. The Department of Health and Social Care made the comment in its social care reform white paper, published this week , where it set out further details about how the “assurance framework” for councils would work.

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The Trouble With Playing Catch Up

My Brains Not Broken

It has been a surprisingly productive week for me but for some reason, I still feel like I’m behind. It doesn’t matter why, but this is about the time every single year where I feel like I’m behind on everything (it happens other times during the year, but this is when it hits the most). It’s discouraging to feel like you’re constantly catching up on things, but I’ve learned to manage these feelings in a way that helps me, not hurts me.


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Life and the Secret to Managing

Gary Direnfeld

Let’s be clear. Life is not a straight line. It not only has bumps, it has tremendous highs and tremendous lows. That is the nature of life from which no one is exempt. The real issue then is resiliency, the capacity to overcome adversity. That and support. There we differ.Some folks have remarkable resiliency and some do not. Some have remarkable supports and some do not.

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An important moment for social work and social care

Social Work With Adults

Reform has social work values built in. I am so pleased to be writing this blog, celebrating the publication of ‘ People at the heart of care ’, the Government's adult social care reform White Paper. Social work and social care values are at its core. This is about valuing people and what matters to them, appreciating those who care for and support them, supported by a vision reminding us of our commitment to personalising care and support.

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5 Must Haves for Case Management

Thousands of nonprofits rely on case management software to help collect data, manage programs, coordinate with agencies, and provide life-changing health and human services. Adopting a cloud-based case management platform is essential for nonprofits and government agencies to operate more efficiently and make better use of their funding and budget.

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‘Rapidly deteriorating situation’ for social care, finds ADASS

Community Care

Staff shortages are driving a “rapidly deteriorating situation” for people needing care and their carers, directors warned today. Waits for assessments and care, commissioned home care left undelivered and provider failure are all increasing, despite more care being provided found an Association of Directors of Adult Social Services survey of members , covering August to October this year.

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It’s Okay If the Weather Impacts Your Mental Health

My Brains Not Broken

One thing that I’ve always known is that my writing can be…lengthy. That’s the case everywhere for me when it comes to my work, but it’s especially true for this blog. Oftentimes, I’ve written entire posts where I’ve realized that it took me 500 words to get to the point, or worse – that I never actually made the point I was trying to make!

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Navigating The Festive Juggle: When School Activities Add More “Stuff”

Blurt It Out

As the festive season approaches, diary dates stack up, another “please could you bring/remember/note…” message seems to come through daily, and it’s never long before we feel the festive frazzle. We’re eternally thankful to all those who work so hard to put smiles on our children’s faces and create wonderful memories. But navigating it without.

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New training routes into social work pledged in adult care white paper

Community Care

The government has pledged to invest in new training routes into social work as part of its white paper on adult social care reform, published today. The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) said these would be funded from £500m allocated for developing the adult social care workforce from 2022-25. It also vowed to “improve the pre and post-qualification landscape” for social workers, and ensure “a sufficient supply of social workers with the right skills, knowledge and

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Mental Illness Can Prevent Daily Hygiene

Nnatasha Tracy

Mental illness can prevent daily hygiene. I've been a victim of this and so have so many other people. Some people have come to me in confidence and said that they can't brush their teeth and it's causing major dental problems. Other people have said, in hushed tones, that they can't do their laundry so they don't leave their houses. These kinds of hygiene tasks are just too hard for some people disabled with serious mental illnesses.

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Really? You think You Attract “Those” Kind of People?

Gary Direnfeld

I was chatting with someone who wondered if they attract difficult people or those who would exploit. I explained that I don’t subscribe to that way of thinking although I have heard it from other counselors. My view is that difficult people and those who would exploit others are always around. They are in our families, workplace and communities.

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Get Connected: Using Social Media for Social Work Success

Speaker: Gary Direnfeld, MSW, RSW.

You may have the clinical skills to manage a private practice, but your success could actually hinge on marketing skills. For a thriving practice, you need to differentiate yourself from others and present yourself in a way that attracts referrals. These days, much of that happens online, including on social media. In this webinar, Gary Direnfeld will discuss how social media marketing can help you build your private practice and grow your client base.

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World Social Work Day 2022

The International Association Of Schools Of Social

The next World Social Work Day takes place on the 15th March 2022. The theme: ´Co-building a New Eco-Social World: Leaving No One Behind´ coincides with the theme of the people´s summit that will take place on the 29th June to the 2 nd July. The theme presents a vision and action plan to create new global values, policies and practices that develop trust, security and confidence for all people and the sustainability of the planet.

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DCS resigns as council with ‘significantly under-resourced’ social workers falls to ‘inadequate’

Community Care

The director of children’s services has resigned and the government has intervened in a council after Ofsted found children at risk of harm and social workers “significantly under-resourced”. Ofsted downgraded North East Lincolnshire council to ‘inadequate ’ after a full inspection last month found services had “significantly deteriorated” since the good rating it earned in 2017.

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Reform will be driven by an empowered workforce

Social Care

"Care certificates will create a new delivery standard recognised across the sector, which will facilitate more rewarding career paths for all colleagues and make sure there is a knowledge baseline for every care role." [Photo by, DHSC]. Making the most of our people. With or without reform, the quality, reliability and effectiveness of our adult social care system depends on a workforce that feels valued, supported and encouraged to be the best.

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How much did lockdown help Arthur Labinjo-Hughes’ killers escape notice?

The Guardian

Analysis: review into murder of Solihull six-year-old will focus on how crimes against him were not picked up sooner The terrible death of six-year-old Arthur Labinjo-Hughes , murdered by his stepmother Emma Tustin after weeks of abuse and torture, may be an outlier in terms of its sheer brutality but is unlikely to be the only case of its kind to emerge from the lockdown period.

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Sexism Makes it Harder for Girls to Benefit from Therapy

Society of Clinical Psychology

Sexism exists in many forms and across different levels: internally (e.g., a girl believing she is not good at math simply because she is a girl), interpersonally (e.g., a supervisor asking the only woman-identified employee to make lunch reservations), and structurally (e.g., a law prohibiting abortion). Studies have found that sexism is associated with poor physical (e.g., premature death) and mental (e.g., depression) health.

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More social workers staying on register compared with last year following renewal deadline

Community Care

More social workers in England renewed their registration than last year, following last night’s deadline, meaning less than 3,000 are set to be removed. Provisional data from Social Work England shows that, out of 96,948 practitioners needing to renew, just 2,869 (3%) failed to do so, compared to 4,590 last year and lower than the 4,000 to 6,000 leaving the register annually in recent years.

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Fighting against micro-aggressions for minority ethnic nurses

Social Care

"Minority ethnic students and staff frequently face demeaning and offensive comments about their bodies, cultural traditions and professional competency." [Image created by]. Speaking up. Racism and micro-aggression have no place in the workplace and yet many minority ethnic nurses and healthcare professionals report experiences of discrimination.

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Arthur Labinjo-Hughes: timeline of events that ended in his murder

The Guardian

Worried relatives of the Solihull six-year-old had reported concerns, so were there failures by authorities? Arthur Labinjo-Hughes: woman jailed for life for murder of stepson, six The horrific case of Arthur Labinjo-Hughes is raising serious questions about how his abuse went undetected for so long, whether authorities failed in their duty to protect him and how lockdown may have prevented them from doing so.

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Internet-based psychotherapy may be cost-effective for anxiety and depression

The Social Care Elf

Ally Canaway blogs a systematic review which finds evidence of internet-based psychological interventions being cost-effective for depression and anxiety. The post Internet-based psychotherapy may be cost-effective for anxiety and depression appeared first on National Elf Service.

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Illinois “child welfare” sets a terrible record in 2020

NCCPR Child Welfare Blog

The Illinois foster care panic may have ended in Chicago. But it's still tragically strong in other parts of the state. The foster-care panic that started sweeping through the state in 2019 continued in 2020 – and in much of the state, 2021. In some regions the number of families torn apart has more than doubled since 2017. Guess what happened to child abuse deaths.

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People at the heart of care

Social Care

Clear objectives, complex challenges. The desire to reform, rebuild and strengthen social care has been a longstanding ambition of successive governments and, while these objectives may be simply put, achieving them has often been anything but. This week, we took another big step forward with the publication of People at the Heart of Care , our adult social care system reform white paper.

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Arthur Labinjo-Hughes: injuries suggested treatment ‘amounting to torture’

The Guardian

Questions remain over how stepmother and father’s extreme child abuse evaded detection The misery and abuse suffered by six-year-old Arthur Labinjo-Hughes in the weeks leading up to his violent death in June 2020 is difficult to comprehend. At the hands of his father and stepmother, Arthur was physically assaulted, poisoned and dehumanised over a number of months during lockdown.

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Ethnicity and power: how can we make mental healthcare equitable for all people with psychosis?

The Social Care Elf

Andie Ashdown and Theophanis Kyriacou consider the findings of a recent qualitative study which looks at the differences experienced by Black Caribbean and White British people trying to access care for psychosis. The post Ethnicity and power: how can we make mental healthcare equitable for all people with psychosis? appeared first on National Elf Service.

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Let’s Stay on Message with Palliative Care


A new analysis shows we’re still mixing messages for palliative care.

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Doomsday in December?

A Splintered Mind

I’m run down and sick, so I’m posting something positive every day this week until I lift my spirits. There is a reason I’m depressed. It’s more than having major and persistent depression disorder. I’ve had a surprisingly cruddy year. I have to admit that I’m frustrated because my coping strategies are failing me.

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Another U-turn likely from UK government on care costs bill

The Guardian

Senior Tories told ‘dog’s dinner’ legislation will change to prevent defeat over proposals that would penalise the poor The government is preparing to drop controversial plans that would force poorer pensioners to pay more for their social care, in order to avert a possible Commons defeat that would further damage Boris Johnson’s authority, the Observer has been told.

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Free Mental Health Webinars, December 2021

Social Work.Career

This post is part of the monthly series, Free Webinars for Social Workers and Mental Health Professionals, featuring 40 free webcasts that I could find for you this month in the field of social work and mental health. To make it easier for you to find a webinar that is of interest to you, they […]. The post Free Mental Health Webinars, December 2021 appeared first on SocialWork.Career.

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Seminar #109: The Omission

What a Shrink Thinks

This content is for members only. Become a member now by purchasing Seminar Level — One Month Only, Seminar Level – Annual, Seminar Level Monthly to get access to this content.

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Advocacy policy brief on social Work regulation in Africa

International Federation of Social Workers

The IFSW Africa Region Ubuntu social work Hybrid conference 2021 with the theme: ‘Towards Ubuntu and Sustainable development: Social Work Position in Achieving SDGs’ held in Rwanda from 23rd to 26th November 2021. Was one of its kind and successful in many ways. With over 750 online participants, over 200 physical participants located in two […].

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Closures and soaring waiting lists: crunch time for social care services

The Guardian

‘Red lights are flashing’ warns care boss, in advance of the government’s social care white paper Social care services across England are “rapidly deteriorating”, with waiting lists soaring and councils struggling with care home closures, social services chiefs have warned. Long-term waiting lists have almost quadrupled and 1.5m hours of necessary home care were not delivered in the three months to November, amid a deepening staffing crisis going into winter.

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NCCPR news and commentary round-up, week ending November 30, 2021

NCCPR Child Welfare Blog

? WXYZ-TV in Detroit has a story about relatives who took in a one-year-old child as a kinship foster care placement, only to have the child taken with them to be placed – forever – with strangers. The story asks: Under the law in Michigan, family members have priority to adopt their relatives. So why is the state saying the Mihailoff family can’t do that?

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How can I help my child with anxiety?

Lawson Psychology

The post How can I help my child with anxiety? appeared first on Lawson Clinical Psychology.

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Feeling Down, So It’s Time To Be Grateful

A Splintered Mind

Sometimes life gets me down. So what am I going to do about it? I’ve been way too sick to blog lately or post here. I mostly lay in bed and cough. It’s a party! But I did get some book writing in. One more chapter, and I’ll be ready to post it on Kindle Vella. Now I just need to design a fetching avatar for the book. I started feeling better yesterday…marginally.

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‘We’ve been failed’: five vulnerable people on their booster jab wait

The Guardian

As the UK accelerates its Covid vaccination programme, some have already had difficulties Coronavirus – latest updates See all our coronavirus coverage The UK has announced it is to accelerate its booster programme in order to increase protection against Covid amid concern over the Omicron variant. The government accepted advice from the vaccines watchdog, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), to cut the gap between the second dose of the vaccine and the booster from six to

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Launch of the digitised Social Development Issues- 1977-2021

The International Association Of Schools Of Social

Launch of the digitised Social Development Issues- 1977-2021. ICSD would like to warmly welcome you to the launch of the digitised Social Development Issues- 1977-2021, on Saturday 11 December 2021 at 2pm (Australia VIC/NSW time). In the US it is Friday 10 December 2021, evening/night depending upon your time zone. Speakers’ details are provided in the attached banner and meeting link is as follows: Zoom Link: [link].