December, 2023

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How to write case notes in social work faster? Here’s 8 ways.

Save the Social Worker

When I was in university, we once had a strange assignment. We watched a video twice, and we were told to write about what we saw. We were also told to write about our opinions. When I look back, I realised that was an exercise to teach us how to write good case notes in social work. Case notes are a part of every social workers’ life. But before you look at how to write better case notes, you need to know why case notes are even important.

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Do employers address issues with high caseloads in social work teams?

Community Care

Caseloads continue to be one of the leading factors affecting quality of practice and leading to social workers burning out or quitting. And research suggests the problem appears to be getting worse, at least in children’s services. The latest report (wave 5) of the Department for Education’s (DfE) longitudinal survey of council children’s social workers , conducted in autumn 2022, said 63% of practitioners reported that their overall workload was too high.


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Using Artificial Intelligence in Social Work Field Education

Teaching & Learning in Social Work

Editor’s Note: Jacqueline Jones is the MSW Field Coordinator at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and one of my colleagues in the UAB Department of Social Work. She has over six years of experience supervising students during field placements and eight years of social work practice experience. In this blog post, she shares how she uses artificial intelligence tools to improve her teaching and save time.

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Record 100,000-plus social workers renew registration

Community Care

A record 100,495 social workers in England have renewed their registration with the regulator this year. Social Work England said 97.3% of practitioners who needed to renew completed the process during the three-month window, which closed on 30 November. This is the highest proportion recorded in the four renewal rounds since it took over the regulation of social workers in England in December 2019. 3,600 more social workers on register As a result, England starts the new registration year with

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5 Must Haves for Case Management

Thousands of nonprofits rely on case management software to help collect data, manage programs, coordinate with agencies, and provide life-changing health and human services. Adopting a cloud-based case management platform is essential for nonprofits and government agencies to operate more efficiently and make better use of their funding and budget.

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9 Social work topics for supervision

Save the Social Worker

If you’re a supervisor, you’ve probably faced this. Walk into supervision, and the supervisee looks at you, expectantly, awaiting you to start the ball rolling. You think to yourself: I thought you were supposed to take charge of your own supervision! Or you might be a supervisee (the one being supervised). You walk into the supervision, with an agenda in hand.

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Conflict with Your Teen?

Gary Direnfeld

Believe it or not, your teen wants a connection with you. They may not show it and they may have their guard up, but typically, they want it. That’s good news. When things are going sideways, then it’s up to you to make them feel safe. Feeling safe facilitates connecting. Connection facilitates the relationship. The relationship facilitates communication.

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Winter COVID-19 and flu vaccinations - still time to book online

Social Care

Dr Adrian Hayter has worked as a family Doctor for over 20 years, directly involved in the delivery and leadership of in and out of hours care. He is passionate about the role of primary care in planning and improving community health and believes GPs should be involved in leading healthcare systems, including supporting care services. On that point, as the deadline for closure of the online booking service for COVID-19 and flu vaccinations looms on 14 December, Dr Hayter shares this timely mess

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IFSW Calls For The Immediate Release Of Our Colleague Munther Amira

International Federation of Social Workers

We are deeply concerned to learn of the latest arrest of our colleague Munther Amira, a distinguished social worker and advocate for human rights, by the Israeli Defence Forces.

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National social work terms and conditions needed to tackle ‘recruitment crisis’ – SASW

Community Care

Social workers need national terms and conditions, including capped caseloads and defined pay scales, to tackle Scotland’s “ever-increasing recruitment crisis” That was the message from the Scottish Association of Social Work (SASW) as it launched a campaign to tackle practitioner shortages by providing staff with improved – and consistent – terms and conditions across the country.

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The failure of the child welfare McLawsuits, Part Two

NCCPR Child Welfare Blog

The group that calls itself "Children's Rights" touts its Tennessee McLawsuit as a huge success. The 12-year-old in this photo, obtained by Nashville television station WTVF, might disagree. You can watch their story here. By the time the group that calls itself “Children’s Rights” was done with Tennessee, the state was taking away 24% more children than it was when the suit was filed.

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Get Connected: Using Social Media for Social Work Success

Speaker: Gary Direnfeld, MSW, RSW.

You may have the clinical skills to manage a private practice, but your success could actually hinge on marketing skills. For a thriving practice, you need to differentiate yourself from others and present yourself in a way that attracts referrals. These days, much of that happens online, including on social media. In this webinar, Gary Direnfeld will discuss how social media marketing can help you build your private practice and grow your client base.

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Empathy: You can acquire it

Gary Direnfeld

Empathy. Broadly speaking we can differentiate two types: cognitive and emotional. With emotional empathy we can feel what another is feeling. We are right there along with them. With cognitive empathy we don’t really connect on a feeling level with the experience of other. However, we can infer what they may be feeling by thinking it through and trying to take their perspective of an experience.

Empathy 147
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It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Social Work With Adults

It's been an eventful year for adult social work. Lyn Romeo takes you through the highlights [Image created by ] Unified in helping others As the year draws to a close, I find myself reflecting on the journey we have undertaken together over the last year. We have continued to relentlessly seek improvement in the health and wellbeing of individuals, families, friends and carers.

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Child Welfare Updates: New Rule Regarding Kinship Placements

Social Work Blog

April Ferguson LCSW-C, Senior Practice Associate, Children and Adolescents On September 28, 2023, the U.S. Administration for Children and Families (ACF) published a final rule regarding licensing and approval standards for kinship placements. The rule allows for Title IV-E agencies to utilize separate licensing requirements for kinship homes and distribute payments to kinship providers.

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The passing of Judge David W. Soukup, founder of the court-appointed special advocate/volunteer guardian ad litem (CASA/GAL) movement

National Casa Gal

Read More. The post The passing of Judge David W. Soukup, founder of the court-appointed special advocate/volunteer guardian ad litem (CASA/GAL) movement appeared first on National CASA/GAL Association for Children.

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Social work pays tribute to one of its own as Mark Drakeford announces resignation

Community Care

Social work figures have paid tribute to one of their own after Mark Drakeford announced he would be stepping down as first minister of Wales. Drakeford was hailed for maintaining his social work values and commitment to social justice, after announcing he would be stepping down from the role in March 2024. He trained as a social worker, then worked as a probation officer, a youth justice worker and as a social work academic before being elected to the Senedd (Welsh Assembly) in 2011.

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The failure of the child welfare McLawsuits, Part One

NCCPR Child Welfare Blog

There have been years of court hearings orders and, in one case, even a settlement and a declaration of victory. But things in Texas and Tennessee are as bad, or worse, than ever. Instead of making the dreadful Texas "child welfare" system better, "Children's Rights" and "A Better Childhood" set off what amounts to a giant game of whack-a-mole. News from Texas and Tennessee in recent weeks illustrate the futility – or worse – of those massive McLawsuits brought against “child welfare” systems, m

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Best Gift?

Gary Direnfeld

I’m lucky. We get along in my family. I have two older brothers. We trust each other. My mom trusts all of us. I know that isn’t everyone’s experience. With that, we are prepared for the inevitable. All of us. Family members know where important documents are. Persons have been designated to have POA (Power of Attorney) for financial and health matters.

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Centering Transgender and Gender Expansive People in Social Work and Social Work Education


M. Candace Christensen, PhD & Meg Paceley, PhD Legislative attacks continue to target transgender and gender expansive people — and often, the response from our own profession has not been sufficient. Despite our stated values, both social work education and the profession itself have not been on the forefront of social justice efforts and support for trans communities, students and faculty.

Advocacy 107
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Invitation to Social Workers: Seminar Marking the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

International Federation of Social Workers

You’re cordially invited to join us at CoNGO’s Sixth Seminar, a culmination of the year-long 75th-anniversary celebrations, focusing on human rights and social justice.

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A wave doesn’t stand still and nor will M?ori

Reimagining Social Work

A personal reflection on the repeal of s7AA and te reo In this guest post from Kerri Cleaver (Lecturer, Whare Wānanaga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury), Kerri explains her personal response to recent government changes. Ko wai au?

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Specialist child protection role poses workforce challenge for test-bed authorities

Community Care

Introducing specialist child protection social workers is posing workforce challenges for the councils testing the system. Issues included retaining staff, maintaining safeguarding skills among other social workers and avoiding disruption to families as a result of the reform. Leaders from Dorset, Lincolnshire and Wolverhampton councils relayed the messages in a session at this week’s National Children and Adult Services Conference (NCASC) on their experience as families first for children

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“The machine has labeled you as high-risk”

NCCPR Child Welfare Blog

Is Pittsburgh’s “child welfare” predictive analytics algorithm running amok? – Inquiring minds (at the US Dept. of Justice) want to know! The Allegheny Family Screening Tool slaps an invisible scarlet number "risk score" on every child whose parents or other caretakers have been accused of neglect. (For a comprehensive examination of the dangers of this kind of computerized racial profiling, see our publication Big Data Is Watching You. ) The most highly touted, most far-reaching example of comp

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When You Get Home and Things Aren’t Neat and Tidy

Gary Direnfeld

As busy and as difficult as one’s job may be, that person may never know the challenge of needing to go to the bathroom with kids of an age or need, that require continuous supervision. Upon returning home to be asked what one got done that day, is totally devoid of understanding the exhaustion of nary a break, continuous responsibility, and the averting of constant potential crises.

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Six professional NFL players support local CASA programs for My Cause My Cleats initiative

National Casa Gal

The cleats aim to promote and raise awareness for a charity that is important to the players. Read More. The post Six professional NFL players support local CASA programs for My Cause My Cleats initiative appeared first on National CASA/GAL Association for Children.

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The new Tory austerity will be like nothing we've seen before. Here is its human cost | Frances Ryan

The Guardian

Jeremy Hunt’s planned cuts will mean the death of public services. The lives of Britain’s most vulnerable people are on the line When Vicky forgets to buy food, she doesn’t eat. Autism means she often can’t manage day-to-day tasks: from cleaning the house and remembering to wash to doing the weekly shop. “I can’t cope with being outside for any real length of time,” she says.

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All risk and no recognition: repeal and devolution in child protection

Reimagining Social Work

Two of the things up first on the hit list for change in child protection are: repealing s7AA of the Oranga Tamariki Act 1989, and increasing the devolution of care decisions to the community.

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National review launched into familial child sexual abuse

Community Care

Safeguarding leaders have launched a national review into child sexual abuse within the family due to a “concerning number” of such cases. The Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel said the inquiry would examine how practitioners and agencies could improve how they identified, assessed and responded to CSA within the family. The panel, whose role is to oversee and draw national lessons from serious cases, has commissioned the Centre of expertise on child sexual abuse (CSA Centre)

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A New York State “child welfare” agency can curb one family policing horror with the stroke of a pen. Do they have the guts?

NCCPR Child Welfare Blog

The number of ways family policing agencies (a more accurate term than “child welfare” agencies) can hurt the children they are mandated to protect is limited only by their imagination – and, unfortunately, this is the one area where they show any imagination at all. Among the worst things they do is tear children from the arms of parents – usually mothers – whose only crime is to, themselves, have survived domestic violence.

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Managing the Coached Child Between Separated Parents

Gary Direnfeld

Separated parents. Kid comes home loaded for bear. Kid let’s that parent have it with nonsense told to them by the other parent. Some may feel intimidated by the child. Some may be angry for the other parent using the child as a pawn. Still others may be unmoved, able to see through the nonsense and thus pay it little mind. How a parent reacts can greatly influence the perception of the child with regard to what the other parent has said.

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Adult social care workforce reform: a meeting of minds

Social Care

"This was a positive visit for DHSC and CareTech, both sides learning from each other and gaining a better understanding of how we can work together to improve workforce capabilities." [Image created by ] Walk and talk Nigel Taylor, CareTech's Head of Learning and Development: The CareTech Senior Adults team hosted colleagues from the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) recently.

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The National CASA/GAL Association for Children maintains four-star rating from Charity Navigator

National Casa Gal

Charity Navigator is America’s largest and most-utilized independent charity evaluator. Read More. The post The National CASA/GAL Association for Children maintains four-star rating from Charity Navigator appeared first on National CASA/GAL Association for Children.

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Social Skills During the Festive Season: A Parent’s Guide

Prosper Health Collective

The holiday season is a time of joy, laughter, and merriment for many families. From twinkling lights to festive gatherings, the holidays bring many opportunities for children to engage with others. While these moments can be enriching, they also present challenges for some youngsters navigating their social skills. As parents, it’s crucial to recognise the significance of supporting our kids in developing and enhancing their social abilities during this time.

Empathy 98
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More people receiving long-term care following years of decline

Community Care

The number of people using council-arranged long-term adult social care in England grew in 2022-23 following years of decline, official data has shown. Overall, 835,335 people received long-term care during the year, up 2.1% on 2021-22, when 817,995 people were given a service, showed the figures from NHS England. This figure had declined year on year from a high of 872,520 since 2015-16, with the exception of 2020-21, where numbers may have been inflated by the inclusion of people receiving Cov

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NCCPR family preservation news and commentary round-up for the year 2023, Part Two

NCCPR Child Welfare Blog

For part one, which illustrates how the horror stories go in all directions, click here. OVERVIEWS OF FAMILY POLICING FAILURE ● To begin, take a step back, see – and hear – how the family policing system really works in this report from NPR, featuring perspectives from JMAC for Families and NCCPR: ● The most important book of 2023 on these issues is Investigating Families by Prof.

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Managing the Narcissist’s Barrage

Gary Direnfeld

The thing about that barrage coming from a narcissist, ask yourself if it is relevant to whatever is being discussed. So often a narcissist will redirect a conversation to put the other on the defensive. They throw up a lot of nonsense. Emphasis on “throw up.” If you respond to it, it means it’s landed on you. However, if it isn’t relevant, it likely doesn’t require a response.