Thu.Nov 18, 2021

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Cap on care costs ‘will do little for less well off’ following government change

Community Care

The government’s care funding reforms will do very little for those with longstanding needs and modest wealth, following changes that reduce their benefit for the less well-off. That was the warning today from Andrew Dilnot, whose commission devised the blueprint for the cap on care costs that the government will bring in from 2023, after the changes announced yesterday by care minister Gillian Keegan.

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The Perfect Child, Also Unwell.

Gary Direnfeld

The call was about the one child who was continually acting out, skipping school, getting into trouble. The other child was described as perfect, a perfectionist actually. That child had great grades and only concentrated on school work. The child was seemingly obsessed with that and as such, didn’t have time for trouble. That child was considered fine.


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Five Tips for Managing Self-Doubt

My Brains Not Broken

This week, I’ve been doing a lot of research and reflection about self-doubt, what it looks like and the mental health challenges it creates. Even though it’s been helpful to understand more about doubt and the role it plays in our mental health, managing or overcoming self-doubt is more than just being aware of it. Here are five tips that I hope will be helpful to you on your journey to better manage your self-doubt.

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Self-Parenting for Abuse Survivors

Stop Abuse Campaign

← We Need to Talk about ACEs and Suicide. Your childhood is a precious period for development—and your experiences during this time can create a ripple effect across your entire life. Unfortunately, this can apply to both good and bad childhood experiences. As such, traumatic events and violent encounters can have lifelong consequences on your health and well-being.

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5 Must Haves for Case Management

Thousands of nonprofits rely on case management software to help collect data, manage programs, coordinate with agencies, and provide life-changing health and human services. Adopting a cloud-based case management platform is essential for nonprofits and government agencies to operate more efficiently and make better use of their funding and budget.

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Infographic:  How to Use FAMCare to Improve Caseworker Productivity


This infographic simply details how you can use Case Management Software to help your agency optimize their case load. We understand that your agency's success is tied to your ability to integrate best practices in everyday caseworker activities. Casework isn't simple, but it can be easier, more efficient, therefore increasing your team’s productivity.

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What can EAP do for me?

Prosper Health Collective

An Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a service provided by employers to help their staff members improve wellbeing, work productivity and to have an overall greater work satisfaction. Employee’s often have many questions about EAP programs. We have answered the most common ones below. Is it confidential? Yes. All psychologists are bound to maintain confidentiality with their clients, even if the service is being paid for by a third party such as an employer.

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Q&A with Rita Soronen – National Adoption Month

National Casa Gal

Soronen, who currently serves on the National CASA/GAL Association for Children Board of Trustees, sat down with National CASA/GAL during National Adoption Month to talk about kinship care adoption and the importance of nurturing family connections for children in foster care. Read More. The post Q&A with Rita Soronen – National Adoption Month appeared first on National CASA/GAL Association for Children.

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Raab: dozens of Tories failed to back PM on standards due to ‘late-ish’ vote – UK politics live

The Guardian

Latest updates: 74 Tory MPs did not vote at all on the government’s amendment on standards reform Graham Brady faces questions over ‘opaque’ £800 an hour job Boris Johnson plan on ‘second jobs’ would hit fewer than 10 MPs Q: What is the optimal benefit you need to have to get most from this system? Dilnot says for people with assets worth more than £186,000, the rule announced yesterday makes no difference.

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Alcohol and Bloating: How Drinking Affects the Stomach

Gateway Foundation

After drinking alcohol, you may have noticed concerns like stomach pain, discomfort or bloating. While occasional abdominal bloating is normal, alcohol-related abdominal bloating may cause more uncomfortable symptoms and indicate other medical conditions or complications. To improve alcohol-related stomach bloating and discomfort, you must first understand how your digestive system processes alcohol.

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Vulnerable children unable to access help due to austerity, says inquiry

The Guardian

Lords report says problems for 1m youngsters escalated because of the lack of services able to intervene early More than a million vulnerable children in England are growing up emotionally damaged and with reduced life chances as a result of billions of pounds of austerity cuts to family support and youth services, according to a cross-party House of Lords inquiry.

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Get Connected: Using Social Media for Social Work Success

Speaker: Gary Direnfeld, MSW, RSW.

You may have the clinical skills to manage a private practice, but your success could actually hinge on marketing skills. For a thriving practice, you need to differentiate yourself from others and present yourself in a way that attracts referrals. These days, much of that happens online, including on social media. In this webinar, Gary Direnfeld will discuss how social media marketing can help you build your private practice and grow your client base.

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A Lifeline for Primary Care Amid a Crisis in Youth Mental Health


SWHELPER. Most mental health care in America doesn’t happen in psychiatrists’ offices – especially when it comes to children, teens and young adults. Instead, young people with depression, anxiety and more turn to the same people they already go to for all kinds of other health issues: their pediatricians, family doctors, school-based clinics and other primary […].

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Boris Johnson was hailed as the ‘delivery man’ but are the wheels coming off?

The Guardian

Analysis: anger over rail and social care plays into narrative of a PM overpromising and underdelivering In the run-up to the Conservative conference, senior Tory sources briefed that it was the moment to relaunch Boris Johnson as the “delivery man” – a prime minister who had pushed through an extraordinary vaccine rollout and would now take the same scale of ambition to his domestic agenda.

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America Has an Anger Problem – Can Better “Mental Nutrition” Fix It?


SWHELPER. America is a pretty angry place these days. Formerly respectful spaces like school board meetings have become bitter battlegrounds. Some people are harassing healthcare workers and threatening restaurant staff for enforcing COVID protocols. Others are openly furious with the vaccine-hesitant. Everyone, wherever they stand on the (deeply divided) political playing field, is outraged about something.

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Six in 10 elderly care users in England set to lose out from costs cap

The Guardian

Sir Andrew Dilnot says he is ‘very disappointed’ by change that will save government hundreds of millions The key architect of the government’s social care reform has said most older people needing care will lose out from plans to dilute protections against crippling costs in England, implying an impact on at least 300,000 people. Sir Andrew Dilnot, an economist who devised reforms to prevent people losing homes to soaring care costs, told MPs on Thursday that he was “very disappointed” by a cha

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What Is Drug Tourism?

Gateway Foundation

Drug tourism is when people travel to a select destination to buy or use drugs for any reason. These journeys can be for recreational or personal use and don’t even have to be a long trip. For example, people traveling from Kansas to Colorado to smoke marijuana would be participating in drug tourism. These drugs… The post What Is Drug Tourism?

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How to calm your fight or flight response

Lawson Psychology

How to calm your fight or flight response You may have heard the term Fight or Flight, which is essentially the way our body responds to threat or danger. Consider this, a bear wanders into the room… what would you do? How would you feel? Where would your attention be? For most of us our focus would be completely on the bear, our thoughts may be racing to try and figure out what to do next, our heart rate and breathing rate may increase to bring in more oxygen to power our muscles, our muscles w

Clinic 52
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Winners revealed at Social Worker of the Year Awards 2021!

Social Work Awards

12 impactful social workers from across England have scooped gold awards at the annual not-for-profit Social Worker of the Year Awards. Hundreds of social workers are nominated by their colleagues each year in recognition of their dedicated and life-changing impact in the profession. A rigorous independent judging process – with panelists from all levels of social work, people with lived-experience of social work support and leading figures in the industry – culminates a shortlist of final

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Evolving with Mindfulness in a Changing World

R.E.A.L. Social Workers

1905 – 2005. My grandmother was born in 1905. She lived 102 years before her death. She saw amazing inventions and experienced an amazing life. Now when I use the word “amazing,” I am using it as it is defined by Merriam-Webster, ‘causing great surprise or wonder.’ This does not always mean that her experiences were all wonderful. It means that over her lifetime, she witnessed or lived through many astonishing, astounding, dumfounding, jaw-dropping, flabbergasting, shocking, stunning, stup

Anxiety 52
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News Items – November 18, 2021

Social Workers Speak

Chicago police sergeant faces termination over raid of social worker Anjanette Young’s home. Chicago Tribune. A Chicago police supervisor now faces firing for his role in the wrongful raid of social worker Anjanette Young’s home a few years ago. Sgt. Alex Wolinski faces dismissal for eight different Police Department rule violations — ranging from bringing discredit to the department and failing to promote its efforts to disrespecting a person and incompetency — according to city records filed l

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How to calm your fight or flight response

Lawson Psychology

The post How to calm your fight or flight response appeared first on Lawson Clinical Psychology.

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Boundaries in Relationships_ Setting and Maintaining Them

Counselor Toolbox podcast