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Adoption leaders bid to reform ‘institutionally racist’ system

Community Care

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll. The adoption system is “institutionally racist”, sector leaders have warned, in a strategy designed to tackle ethnic inequalities facing children and prospective adopters and a lack of diversity in the workforce. In its strategy for 2024-27, Adoption England, the national body supporting regional adoption agencies (RAAs), said it wanted to “end the racial disparity”

Adoption 230
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Free Mental Health Webinars, June 2024

Social Work.Career

This post is part of the monthly series, Free Webinars for Social Workers and Mental Health Professionals, featuring over 55 free webcasts that we could find for you this month in the field of social work and mental health. To make it easier for you to find a webinar that is of interest to you, […] The post Free Mental Health Webinars, June 2024 appeared first on SocialWork.Career.


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What the 2024 general election means for social care

Community Care

Rishi Sunak has called a general election for 4 July. The prime minister made the announcement in a statement in Downing Street today, firing the starting gun on a six-week campaign. The news comes with the Labour Party roughly 20 percentage points ahead in the polls (source: BBC), strongly suggesting they will end 14 years of Conservative rule on polling day.

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Managing That Teen

Gary Direnfeld

When the relationship with your teen is in tatters, it’s up to you to restore it. Lectures won’t do it. Gifts won’t do it. Harsher punishments won’t do it either. Consider guerilla love. In guerilla warfare we sneak up on our enemy combatant and when they least suspect it, we attack, slay and sneak away. With guerilla love, we sneak up on our kid not to slay, but to deliver a small and quick act of affection.

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5 Must Haves for Case Management

Thousands of nonprofits rely on case management software to help collect data, manage programs, coordinate with agencies, and provide life-changing health and human services. Adopting a cloud-based case management platform is essential for nonprofits and government agencies to operate more efficiently and make better use of their funding and budget.

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7 of the best social work books for students

Save the Social Worker

Please note: We do not earn affiliate fees from any of these product recommendations and we simply recommend what we find is best. I rub my eyes. I’m falling asleep. I can’t believe the book I’m reading is that boring. But it’s required reading. I know what to do. I’m going to just gloss over to the final conclusion of the book, and get the TLDR (too long didn’t read) version.

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Five Ways I Build Mental Wellness

My Brains Not Broken

As it is Mental Health Awareness Month , it’s a good time to share resources, tips and techniques about mental health and wellness. After a decade-plus of living with depression and anxiety, I am proud of how I’ve learned to manage my mental health challenges. However, chronic mental health issues can mean I sometimes go through my day on auto-pilot, which isn’t great for my mental health.

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Eileen Munro on the legacy of her child protection review

Community Care

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll. Our interview with Eileen Munro is part of a series of profiles of key figures who have shaped social work over the past five decades, to mark Community Care’s 50th anniversary. One look at Professor Eileen Munro’s resume and it becomes clear that staying idle is not her strong suit.

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Leeches and Snakes and Turtles, Oh My!

Gary Direnfeld

It was one of those showers that felt extra good. Plenty of hot water. Nice stream. It flowed over me. It came after this mornings kayak ride. The shower wasn’t necessary from sweating. It was because when I first got into the kayak, I wasn’t centered. I bailed. Our house backs onto a little waterway. It’s actually a man-made lagoon that was dug somewhere around the 1920s.

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Successful lobbying leads to payments for social work students on placement

International Federation of Social Workers

IFSW congratulates the Australian Association of Social Workers, the Australian Council of Heads of Social Work Education, and all other involved parties for their successful lobbying of government ministers to […]

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#SWFuturesForum2024 and The Future of Social Work

Stuck on Socialwork

It has been about two years since I posted something. My disappearance has been due to starting my Doctorate in Social Work about two years ago. What made me reappear? A conference about the future of social work. This is confluence of events for me as I have spent this semester narrowing the scope of.

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Get Connected: Using Social Media for Social Work Success

Speaker: Gary Direnfeld, MSW, RSW.

You may have the clinical skills to manage a private practice, but your success could actually hinge on marketing skills. For a thriving practice, you need to differentiate yourself from others and present yourself in a way that attracts referrals. These days, much of that happens online, including on social media. In this webinar, Gary Direnfeld will discuss how social media marketing can help you build your private practice and grow your client base.

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Millions of British children born since 2010 have only known poverty. My £3bn plan would give them hope | Gordon Brown

The Guardian

We know about the hardship of ‘Thatcher’s children’, but a new generation of Tories has raised inequality to even higher levels Children of austerity need a rescue plan, says Gordon Brown They are austerity’s children, born after 2010, perhaps now at secondary school – and they account for 3.4 million of Britain’s 4.3 million children in poverty. Most have never known what it is like to be free of poverty.

Schools 143
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Realizing One’s Partner is a Narcissist

Gary Direnfeld

She thought her husband had changed. She emplored him to go to therapy so as to return to the man she thought she knew. He wouldn’t. He was pleased with himself. He felt it was she who was the problem. She wouldn’t cowtow to his bidding. He pressed harder, more nasty. She would give in. He would be nice again… and on and on it went.

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Movement Is Hope: Mental Health Awareness Week 2024

MQ Mental Health

This Mental Health Awareness Week 2024, the theme is Movement for Mental Health. In this article, MQ staff member Juliette Burton (pictured above) explains why her mental health lived experience has led to her movement – running to raise money for mental health research and why it matters so much to her. Research is Key Movement starts with hope. My mental illnesses led me to some hopeless times.

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IFSW works with WHO on Transforming Health Policy and Practice

International Federation of Social Workers

IFSW has been invited to work with The World Health Organisation (WHO) as they undertake a refocus that emphasizes engagement and relationships between action-orientated leaderful communities, populations and health authorities.

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How can a child in care cost £281,000 a year? Ask the wealth funds that have councils over a barrel | George Monbiot

The Guardian

Children crying out for stability are paying the highest price for Britain’s chaotic and exploitative residential care I’m a patron of a small local charity that helps struggling children to rebuild trust and connection. It’s called Sirona Therapeutic Horsemanship , and it works by bringing them together with rescued horses. The horses, like many of the children, arrive traumatised, anxious and frightened.

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Ten years of the Care Act 2014: ‘the right legislation, undermined by a lack of funding’

Community Care

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll. The Care Act 2014 remains the right legislation for social care sector and has led to progress, but its aims have not been realised because of a lack of funding. That was the verdict of sector experts who contributed to a Local Government Association report to mark the tenth anniversary of the Care Act becoming law and designed to influence the general election expected this autumn.

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Attachment Theory Through Three Examples

Gary Direnfeld

The baby goes wah. It’s the parent’s job to figure out why so that they may soothe the child. The parent often checks the diaper first. It’s quick and easy. Assuming a clean diaper and the baby is still in distress, the parent tries to feed the child, wondering if hungry. However, in this case the child continues to wah. Not sure what to do next, the parent lifts the child in the air and goes, “Cootchi coo.” With that, the child settles.

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Odessa Gonzalez Benson Joins Editorial Board of Social Service Review

Michigan Social Work

Assistant Professor Odessa Gonzalez Benson has joined the editorial board of Social Service Review. The journal publishes original research on social issues, social welfare policy and social work practice. Established in 1927, it is the oldest continually published social welfare journal in the U.S.

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International Federation of Social Workers


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Ministers clawing back £251m from carers hit by DWP’s allowance failures

The Guardian

‘Strikingly large’ sum being recouped from people who fell foul of system that did not flag overpayments Ministers are clawing back more than £250m from unpaid carers over benefit infringements that occurred largely as a result of government failures, it can be revealed. More than 134,000 people who care for loved ones are being forced to repay often huge carer’s allowance overpayments.

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‘Why we need to celebrate – not stigmatise – neurodiversity in social work’

Community Care

By Deb Solomon Recently councils and other employers of social workers in the UK have been encouraged to sign up to a new pledge to celebrate neurodiversity in the profession. But why? At the moment there is a patchy picture of acceptance for neurodivergent social workers, those with conditions – or neurotypes – such as autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia or obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).

OCD 226
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Growth – It comes from the problems we face….

Gary Direnfeld

My first essay at university earned me a “D” It was written on the top of the page as a large red letter. The comment beneath the letter was, “You have a serious writing problem.” I went to that prof and asked for help. He told me to read Hemingway. I told him I didn’t enjoy novels and he said that I should get his anthology of short stories then.

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Nursing Maneuvers for Shoulder Dystocia


Though relatively rare, shoulder dystocia can cause serious complications if not addressed quickly and effectively. To protect the health of both parents and infants, obstetric care teams must have a robust shoulder dystocia management plan in place. They must also continuously improve their shoulder dystocia preparation and management skills. In this article, we’ll review nursing maneuvers for shoulder dystocia and the key role nurses play in shoulder dystocia cases.

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IFSW Longstanding Leader Honoured with a ‘Lifetime Achievement Award for Services to Social Care’

International Federation of Social Workers

IFSW long-term volunteer and leader Nigel Hall has just been awarded the ‘Chairman’s Lifetime Achievement Award for Services to Social Care’ by the Zimbabwe Achievers Awards on 11 May 2024 […]

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Ministers knew about carer’s allowance problems three years ago, report reveals

The Guardian

Suppressed DWP study told of hardship endured by carers forced to repay thousands after minor allowance breaches Ministers were warned three years ago that unpaid carers were being treated unfairly and forced to repay huge sums for minor benefit breaches, a long suppressed government report has revealed. A Department for Work and Pensions document presented to politicians in 2021 detailed how carers – the majority of whom were on low incomes and spending 65 hours a week caring for loved ones – e

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Council staff offered ‘full and final’ £1,290 pay rise for 2024-25

Community Care

Employers have offered council staff in England, Wales and Northern Ireland a “full and final” pay rise of £1,290 or 2.5%, whichever is higher, in 2024-25. They said that the offer, which will be topped up for those working in London and pro rated for part-time employees, was at the limits of affordability for councils. It is worth about 3-4% for social workers (see box).

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Those @#!$* Video Games!

Gary Direnfeld

So many parents seem befuddled, not knowing what to do when their child is hooked on video games. They spend considerable time negotiating, coaching, goading, yelling, screaming and threatening. If the child cannot stop their play and is resistant to any of those approaches, the real solution is to cut off their supply. It’s important to appreciate that gaming can be compared to any substance addiction.

Addiction 147
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Self-Care A-Z—How To Have a Super-Self-Care-Summer: A Weekly Guide

The New Social Worker

The New Social Worker is going on summer break June-August and won’t be doing new posts. However, we’re not neglecting you! Join us in having a Super-Self-Care-Summer!

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The DEIA Landscape: Promise, Peril and the Way Forward


Dean Keith A. Alford The United States is a diverse place. It is imperative for us to create spaces where everyone feels like they belong, to be mindful of patterns of injustice and to support the needs of those of us with diverging abilities. All of these aspirations have a long history in our society and especially in the field of social work. The COVID-19 pandemic, the disparate violence and deaths experienced by people of color and the awareness of inequities in health care, opportunity and

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Next government urged to wake up to UK’s ‘shocking’ levels of child poverty

The Guardian

Charities call for law within first 100 days after general election to ensure annual rises in the financial help parents receive The next government should pass a new law within 100 days of winning the general election that would commit ministers to eradicating child poverty for good, the five biggest UK children’s charities say this weekend. The organisations demand legislation in the first king’s speech that would include plans for a “child lock” – equivalent to the current pensions “triple lo

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Good ratings for first three council adult services assessed by CQC

Community Care

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll. The Care Quality Commission has awarded good ratings to the first three councils it assessed under its new adults’ services performance regime. Hertfordshire, Hounslow and West Berkshire all gained the second top rating – behind outstanding – in assessments under the CQC’s local authority assurance system, published last week.

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About that Parenting Approach….

Gary Direnfeld

Parenting theories and approaches can go in and out of style. It’s as if the theory of the day is the only one that holds merit. The older theories become outcast. However, they mostly all continue to hold merit. Today’s parenting approach is labled gentle parenting. With that, gone are behavioral approaches where one consider reward and consequences.

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IFSW Represented at Global UN Civil Society Conference

International Federation of Social Workers

At the United Nations Civil Society Conference held in Nairobi on May 9 – 10, IFSW was represented by former African Regional President and Global Vice President Charles Mbugua, of […]

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Why Do I Think Everything Is My Fault?

Nnatasha Tracy

I have a bad habit of thinking everything is my fault. It's remarkable, actually. No matter what happens and no matter what other people do, it always feels like I made it happen. This is a personal inclination of mine, psychologically, I suspect, but it's also impacted by depression. If you feel like everything is your fault, read on as to why that might be and what to do about it.

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The Guardian view on private equity and public services: this trend needs reversing | Editorial

The Guardian

From railways to nurseries and children’s homes, investors are taking advantage of chances to siphon taxpayer funds offshore Sector by sector, private equity is making deep inroads into UK public services. More than a decade ago, the collapse of Southern Cross , the private-equity-owned care home operator, revealed the havoc that can be wreaked when essential public services are run by heavily indebted businesses with complex financial structures.