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Mounting social care costs leave councils facing £6.2bn black hole over next two years, warns LGA

Community Care

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll. Mounting social care costs will leave English councils facing a £6.2bn financial black hole over the next two years, the Local Government Association has warned political parties ahead of the general election. The LGA calculated that authorities would need an additional £4.7bn in 2025-26, compared with 2024-25, to maintain services at existing levels, but would only be able to cover half of

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Arizona Joins the Interstate Social Work Licensure Compact

Social Work Blog

This week, the Arizona State Legislature once again failed to advance lifesaving mental health legislation. Social workers across our country work tirelessly to combat the ever-growing mental health crisis facing our nation. The Social Work Licensure Compact, spearheaded by the Department of Defense, seeks to address the critically important issue of licensure mobility for military spouses and enhances access to critical mental health services nationwide.

Military 112

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What the 2024 general election means for social care

Community Care

Rishi Sunak has called a general election for 4 July. The prime minister made the announcement in a statement in Downing Street today, firing the starting gun on a six-week campaign. The news comes with the Labour Party roughly 20 percentage points ahead in the polls (source: BBC), strongly suggesting they will end 14 years of Conservative rule on polling day.

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Managing That Teen

Gary Direnfeld

When the relationship with your teen is in tatters, it’s up to you to restore it. Lectures won’t do it. Gifts won’t do it. Harsher punishments won’t do it either. Consider guerilla love. In guerilla warfare we sneak up on our enemy combatant and when they least suspect it, we attack, slay and sneak away. With guerilla love, we sneak up on our kid not to slay, but to deliver a small and quick act of affection.

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5 Must Haves for Case Management

Thousands of nonprofits rely on case management software to help collect data, manage programs, coordinate with agencies, and provide life-changing health and human services. Adopting a cloud-based case management platform is essential for nonprofits and government agencies to operate more efficiently and make better use of their funding and budget.

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7 of the best social work books for students

Save the Social Worker

Please note: We do not earn affiliate fees from any of these product recommendations and we simply recommend what we find is best. I rub my eyes. I’m falling asleep. I can’t believe the book I’m reading is that boring. But it’s required reading. I know what to do. I’m going to just gloss over to the final conclusion of the book, and get the TLDR (too long didn’t read) version.

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‘It feels like contempt’: DWP tells 85-year-old dementia patient to repay £13k

The Guardian

Cypriot-born Sia Kasparis, who speaks limited English, was not told about disability premium overpayment for several years Eighty-five-year-old Sia Kasparis was in her hospital bed in the living room of her small north London flat when there was a knock at the door. The grandmother-of-five has been bedbound for the last two years, the result of a collapsed vertebra and a range of other health problems, including vascular dementia, heart failure and kidney disease.

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Leeches and Snakes and Turtles, Oh My!

Gary Direnfeld

It was one of those showers that felt extra good. Plenty of hot water. Nice stream. It flowed over me. It came after this mornings kayak ride. The shower wasn’t necessary from sweating. It was because when I first got into the kayak, I wasn’t centered. I bailed. Our house backs onto a little waterway. It’s actually a man-made lagoon that was dug somewhere around the 1920s.

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The International Association Of Schools Of Social

The International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW), the International Council on Social Welfare (ICSW) and the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW), are proud to announce the upcoming Global Social Work Conference; #SWSD2026. This pivotal gathering will bring together a diverse community dedicated to social development and change.

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Nursing Leadership: What Is It and Why Is It Important?


Nursing leadership is one of the most important ways to motivate and inspire nurses to practice at the top of their licensure. The American Nurses Association describes a nurse leader as one who inspires and influences others to achieve their maximum potential using leadership skills and critical thinking. Nurses can lead by sharing and propelling ideas and innovation at any point throughout their careers and do not necessarily need to hold an official leadership title or role.

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How can a child in care cost £281,000 a year? Ask the wealth funds that have councils over a barrel | George Monbiot

The Guardian

Children crying out for stability are paying the highest price for Britain’s chaotic and exploitative residential care I’m a patron of a small local charity that helps struggling children to rebuild trust and connection. It’s called Sirona Therapeutic Horsemanship , and it works by bringing them together with rescued horses. The horses, like many of the children, arrive traumatised, anxious and frightened.

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Get Connected: Using Social Media for Social Work Success

Speaker: Gary Direnfeld, MSW, RSW.

You may have the clinical skills to manage a private practice, but your success could actually hinge on marketing skills. For a thriving practice, you need to differentiate yourself from others and present yourself in a way that attracts referrals. These days, much of that happens online, including on social media. In this webinar, Gary Direnfeld will discuss how social media marketing can help you build your private practice and grow your client base.

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Adoption leaders bid to reform ‘institutionally racist’ system

Community Care

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll. The adoption system is “institutionally racist”, sector leaders have warned, in a strategy designed to tackle ethnic inequalities facing children and prospective adopters and a lack of diversity in the workforce. In its strategy for 2024-27, Adoption England, the national body supporting regional adoption agencies (RAAs), said it wanted to “end the racial disparity”

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Realizing One’s Partner is a Narcissist

Gary Direnfeld

She thought her husband had changed. She emplored him to go to therapy so as to return to the man she thought she knew. He wouldn’t. He was pleased with himself. He felt it was she who was the problem. She wouldn’t cowtow to his bidding. He pressed harder, more nasty. She would give in. He would be nice again… and on and on it went.

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Enrollment for the Global Standards for Social Work Education and Training has commenced

The International Association Of Schools Of Social

Course starts 17 June 2024. FREE! With certificates at successful completion of each module. Click on the enrollment link [link] For any help, please send your email at For more details, click here [link] The post Enrollment for the Global Standards for Social Work Education and Training has commenced first appeared on International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW).

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IFSW policy singled out in the UN General Assembly 77th Session report from the Secretary-General

International Federation of Social Workers

The United Nation’s Secretary-General, António Guterres in promoting the rights of nature, highlighted in his Harmony with Nature report to the General Assembly that, “the International Federation of Social Workers, […]

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MQ Mental Health Research in New Documentary

MQ Mental Health

MQ Mental Health Research has been featured in a new documentary film produced by The film gives an insightful view into MQ’s mission, and why mental health research is so important in the role of changing the outcomes for millions of people worldwide. One of the critical points underscored in the film is the stark disparity in funding.

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Sector concern as DfE ends social work teaching partnership funding

Community Care

The government has stopped funding social work teaching partnerships, sparking sector concern that progress brought about by the arrangements will stall. The Department for Education wrote to partnerships at the beginning of April telling them that it would not be renewing funding for the 2024-25 financial year. One sector leader said that the DfE had told partnerships that there would be funding for 2024-25 last autumn and invited them to bid; however, there followed a several-month delay, culm

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Next government urged to wake up to UK’s ‘shocking’ levels of child poverty

The Guardian

Charities call for law within first 100 days after general election to ensure annual rises in the financial help parents receive The next government should pass a new law within 100 days of winning the general election that would commit ministers to eradicating child poverty for good, the five biggest UK children’s charities say this weekend. The organisations demand legislation in the first king’s speech that would include plans for a “child lock” – equivalent to the current pensions “triple lo

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A politics of hope

Reimagining Social Work

A guest post by Bex Silver. We are entering a dark period in the short history of our nation. There have been dark times before, and we have got through them. We will get through this too.

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International Federation of Social Workers


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Self-Care A-Z—How To Have a Super-Self-Care-Summer: A Weekly Guide

The New Social Worker

The New Social Worker is going on summer break June-August and won’t be doing new posts. However, we’re not neglecting you! Join us in having a Super-Self-Care-Summer!

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‘Why we need to celebrate – not stigmatise – neurodiversity in social work’

Community Care

By Deb Solomon Recently councils and other employers of social workers in the UK have been encouraged to sign up to a new pledge to celebrate neurodiversity in the profession. But why? At the moment there is a patchy picture of acceptance for neurodivergent social workers, those with conditions – or neurotypes – such as autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia or obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).

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UK care agencies accused of exploiting foreign workers caught in debt traps

The Guardian

Exclusive: Experts raise alarm over ‘national scandal’ that has hallmarks of trafficking and modern slavery ‘He didn’t have a contract for me’: the Indian careworkers who paid agents to work in Britain What are the problems with the UK visa system for care work? British social care agencies have been accused of exploiting foreign workers , leaving people living on the breadline as they struggle to pay off debts run up while trying to secure jobs that fail to materialise.

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The DEIA Landscape: Promise, Peril and the Way Forward


Dean Keith A. Alford The United States is a diverse place. It is imperative for us to create spaces where everyone feels like they belong, to be mindful of patterns of injustice and to support the needs of those of us with diverging abilities. All of these aspirations have a long history in our society and especially in the field of social work. The COVID-19 pandemic, the disparate violence and deaths experienced by people of color and the awareness of inequities in health care, opportunity and

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IFSW works with WHO on Transforming Health Policy and Practice

International Federation of Social Workers

IFSW has been invited to work with The World Health Organisation (WHO) as they undertake a refocus that emphasizes engagement and relationships between action-orientated leaderful communities, populations and health authorities.

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Collaboration spurs mental health social care research

Social Work With Adults

"Most people would agree maintaining social connection is important to living better lives." [Image created by ] Losing connection Support for people with mental health problems, their families and carers, is often overlooked, meaning the ‘social’ in social care is sometimes forgotten. People experiencing mental health problems often say things like better housing, employment, enough money, more friends, and close relationships would make a positive difference in their lives.

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Good ratings for first three council adult services assessed by CQC

Community Care

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll. The Care Quality Commission has awarded good ratings to the first three councils it assessed under its new adults’ services performance regime. Hertfordshire, Hounslow and West Berkshire all gained the second top rating – behind outstanding – in assessments under the CQC’s local authority assurance system, published last week.

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The Guardian view on social care: the Lib Dems have a plan. It should be welcomed | Editorial

The Guardian

After years of broken Tory promises, Sir Ed Davey’s policy of free home visits is a step forward Good for the Liberal Democrats. Sir Ed Davey’s campaign pledge that his party would, if elected, fund free social care at home is the most significant policy announcement so far in a crucial area. The past 14 years have not been short of social policy failures.

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Why Do I Think Everything Is My Fault?

Nnatasha Tracy

I have a bad habit of thinking everything is my fault. It's remarkable, actually. No matter what happens and no matter what other people do, it always feels like I made it happen. This is a personal inclination of mine, psychologically, I suspect, but it's also impacted by depression. If you feel like everything is your fault, read on as to why that might be and what to do about it.

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Commonwealth Young Carers Urge Heads of Government to Support the Young Carers Charter

International Federation of Social Workers

Eighteen young carers from eleven Commonwealth countries have created a video promoting the Commonwealth Charter for Young Carers, urging leaders to endorse it at their October 2024 meeting in Samoa.

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NASW remembers George Floyd Jr. on 4th anniversary of his death

Social Work Blog

Photo above by Gayatri Malhotra for Unsplash shows a protestor at rally in Washington, D.C. in June 2020. By Ja’Bree Harris, MSW, NASW Public Policy and Advocacy Manager “I can’t breathe” are the chilling words that spurred a summer of racial reckoning. On May 25, 2020, Minneapolis police officers arrested Floyd, a 46-year-old Black man, after a convenience store employee called 911 and told the police that Floyd bought cigarettes with a counterfeit $20 bill.

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AMHP workforce 35% short of what is needed for 24-hour service, say leads

Community Care

The approved mental health professional workforce is 35% short of what is required to provide a 24-hour service, AMHP leads have warned. The finding, from Skills for Care’s latest report on the AMHP workforce in England, suggests practitioner shortages are increasing amid a mounting number of people being made subject to the Mental Health Act 1983 (MHA).

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The Guardian view on private equity and public services: this trend needs reversing | Editorial

The Guardian

From railways to nurseries and children’s homes, investors are taking advantage of chances to siphon taxpayer funds offshore Sector by sector, private equity is making deep inroads into UK public services. More than a decade ago, the collapse of Southern Cross , the private-equity-owned care home operator, revealed the havoc that can be wreaked when essential public services are run by heavily indebted businesses with complex financial structures.

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Dear Ninakaye (Guest Post)

Living Sober

"You’re not fully aware of it yet Ninakaye, but very shortly you will embark upon a journey of absolute magnificence, a journey of immense strength and liberation.

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Indonesian and Malaysian Social Worker Associations Strengthen Ties

International Federation of Social Workers

Dr. Puji Pujiono, MSW, President of the Indonesian Independent Association of Professional Social Workers (IPSPI), presented a memento during his visit to the Malaysian Association of Social Workers.

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From Student Intern to Professional: Transition Smoothly Into Social Work Practice

The New Social Worker

If you're a student intern moving into professional social work, you might have many questions about what to expect, where to find mentors, and how to find the right job. This guide offers you practical advice your new career.