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Michigan Medicine’s Social Justice Grand Rounds Renamed to Honor Daniel Fischer

November 17, 2022

Assistant Dean of Field Education and Clinical Associate Professor Dan Fischer was honored on Tuesday by the Michigan Medicine Department of Social Work for his work as “a formidable leader, mentor and social work pioneer.” The Social Work Social Justice Ground Rounds will be renamed The Daniel J. Fischer Social Justice Grand Rounds.

“It is a tremendous honor to have my name associated with the Michigan Medicine Social Justice Grand Rounds series. It was a very proud yet humbling day for me,” said Fischer. “Knowing that this Grand Rounds series will continue to support the professional development and social justice lens of social work students, staff and other health sciences student learners at the University of Michigan is extremely rewarding. I suspect the full impact of this won’t really set in for a while, but in reality this has never been about me. Rather, the Social Justice Grand Rounds series has always been about helping providers self-reflect, consider and understand the impact their words, actions, policies and systems of care have on the patients and families they serve, and to strive to create health care environments that are accessible and meet the needs of everyone.”

Social Justice Grand Rounds is the only structured event at Michigan Medicine that formally unites graduate students in social work, field instructors, clinical social work staff, faculty and community leaders in a collaborative effort to address social injustice by featuring an actual case or topic that is illustrative of injustice in health care, as presented by a student in field at Michigan Medicine.

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