Feel Old and Do It Anyway

Dear Readers,

You know the saying, “Feel the fear and do it anyway?” Well, I am making up a new one! Ha, ha!

“Feel old and do it anyway!”

Mr. UT and I are getting older, along with the aches and pains, and pulled muscles, and all the other things that come with our bodies slowly fading, not to mention our brains! Yikes!

Recently we had a chance to stay in a condo in Breckinridge, CO to go skiing! We wondered for a minute, if we could ski that much, as we had only gone 3 times this year, after not skiing for 8 years, but we said yes!

So we planned fast, and in a week we were on a plane carrying 2 suitcases, 2 boot ski boot bags with boots and ski clothes, one long 2 ski carrier, and 2 small carry ons. Oh, and my travel purse. It was interesting managing all of that, but we practiced before we left!

It was a wonderful experience. It will stay with me forever. Now, I can’t ski all day, and I can’t hike all day, but that didn’t stop me from going. If I had listened to the “you are too old, in bad shape, can’t ski that long, your knee hurts” voice, I would have never gone.

When my mother was in her 90’s, she definitely had old body aches and pains, but she went to yoga and other exercise classes anyway.

A good friend of mine became a yoga instructor when he was in his late 50’s. He felt old at times, as his classmates were all young people. But he did it anyway. Now he is leading yoga classes and having a wonderful experience!

Speaking of yoga, when I teach yoga to children, I sometimes feel as old as can be, and I can’t always get off the floor easily! LOL I do it anyway.

I am determined to not let “feeling old” stop me from adventures and experiences, as best I can. Yes, there are things I can’t do because of physical limitations, but there are so many more things I can do. And MOST times, I am so glad I did.

With Still Wearing Mittens,

On Day 2783,


PS – Back home now, and it’s still so cold here in Minnesota, but I had a wonderful, warm visit with my family for a birthday celebration and Easter.

11 thoughts on “Feel Old and Do It Anyway

  1. I can “see” you smiling while writing this! 😊 Awesome you went and you have me motivated this morning! Here I am reading about skiing ⛷ and it’s currently snowing here, we have about 4”. ❄️ It’s pretty but I’m over driving in snow by mid April. 🤣 Maybe I’ll find something to do in it after work! 💪 Have a great day Wendy! 😍

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  2. I can certainly relate to this! Having taken on quite a big property I’ve been working outdoors a lot, and in the process become much fitter. However, just recently I’ve managed to tear a tendon in my hand, which has stopped all that good physical work. Now, I can really feel my body starting to ache having stopped for the last few months. The old saying ‘use it or lose it’ has never been so true.

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