Depression, Broken Bone, 45 Years of Marriage, and Other Good news!

Dearest Readers:

It has been a long, long, time since I last wrote! Yikes! No excuses. Just stopped for a break, and never came back. I really don’t have much to say any more, and I feel my creative poems and thinking really dried up. I also have been just distracting myself with mobile games. Trying to decide if I want to give them up for a month.

I hope you all are well. I really mean that. Some of you are friends with me on IG, and if you want to connect, email me, at

Summer has been mainly normal. Mr. UT and I had some fun trips, are taking care of my 96 year old mother, who is in an assisted living home, still go for our daily walks, and we volunteer.

I did have several family members visit, which was wonderful.

What was NOT wonderful was a surprise visit from my nasty friend, depression.

My depression had been well managed for so long, I was very surprised when I found myself crying, magnifying feelings, and unable to cope with some simple tasks.

I wrote this poem as I was struggling with depression for a month. Very depressing poem, and just reading it makes me want to hold this Wendy in my heart!

Surrounded by fog lit skies,

I stumble to find sunny joy, 

Only to grasp loneliness,

I sneak back into the gloom.

Depression forced me to go back to gratitude, and remember how many other people in the world suffer from this, so I sent love to all of them. We are not alone.

The depression passed. I just kept moving, walking, doing something, even little things, and one day, I woke up and felt my regular normal self.

One day, hiking in a lovely county park, I was looking for photos to take, high on coffee, gabbing with Mr. UT, and smack! Tripped over a root and fell flat on my face, dust in my mouth, my cochlear implants flying off! After I quit whimpering, and pulled myself together, I knew something was wrong with my arm.

Sure enough, I found out I had fractured an elbow bone. Good news, no surgery needed! Just wear my brace and physical therapy for 6 weeks.

The last bit of extraordinary news is Mr. UT and I have been married for 45 years! We dated steady from 11th grade of high school until we finished college, so really we’ve been together for 52 years. LOL

(Oh, and we both got a year older this summer. Not sure about this news!)

I’m coming up to 7 years sober soon, more good news!

Mr. UT has kept me laughing though thick and thin. I can take myself way too seriously!

With My Nurse Mr. UT,

On Day one 2545,


22 thoughts on “Depression, Broken Bone, 45 Years of Marriage, and Other Good news!

  1. I love love love your pictures! Thank you so much for sharing you, your recovery, Mr UT and your life with all of us. I’m so glad you’re here!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. what a great post! so good to hear from you and sounds like you had /have a lot going on- some good/some bad (yin and yang as they say)..glad you mentioned depression- i went through it for a whole year and it stopped in June. Now my roommate is going through it. you are correct- so many people around the world are affected…hugs and blessings!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Hi Wendy! Oh wow those pics (and hairstyles!) are priceless! You two are so lucky to have each other ❤ Thank you for sharing about the depression. I am a bit clueless about this subject and didn't know it could just sneak up for no apparent reason. Glad you arm is healing well and you can go back to yoga soon!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. It’s good to hear from you Wendy. You are an Untipsy Wonder Woman, kicking that depression into touch and smiling through the ups and downs and broken bones. Congratulations to you both xx

    Liked by 1 person

  5. So happy to read your words here! I hope your arm heals quickly and easily, and I am grateful that your depression lifted. It’s so weird when it just … descends.

    Yay on your 52 years of love with Mr. UT and your 7 years of sobriety! You rock!!


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  6. So sorry to hear about depression paying you a visit. He sweeps in out of nowhere it seems! You look beautiful in your photos, you carry off a broken arm superbly! I’m so relieved you are feeling better. It’s truly an awful illness to have. And massive congratulations on 45 year anniversary and birthdays … AWESOME. Lovely to read a post from you. I love your Instagram posts but your blog is always a total delight to read. 💕💕

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Love the pictures, Wendy! So sorry about your arm! Ouch! Glad you were able to move through the depression. Everything feels very heavy to me as well… I’ve not been sticking to my healthy mind and body routines and I’ve been doing the phone games too! Sending love and congratulations on your milestones. 🌟💛

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