
Dear Readers,

Have you ever smelled something in the present that brought back happy memories from the past? That happened to Mr. UT and I today, as he was taking me across one of our favorite bridges that goes over the Minnesota River. We could smell the river smells so strongly. It’s a unique smell, different than that of an ocean or a lake. We both grew up in Wisconsin, and have fond memories of fishing and boating on many of the rivers there.

Mr. UT and I have been together so long, we are always reminiscing about the fun experiences we had in the past.

As we were going along, we saw so many muskrats eating, and moving about, and stopped and took a video of one little guy, who was swimming so close to us. The rivers here in Minnesota are very high, due to all of the snow we had this year.

Later, as I reflected on the adventure, as I like to call our outings, I was reminded that I saw an article in a magazine, that discussed the word savoring in terms of appreciation of life and happiness.

I also found this great article about what savoring is and isn’t.

From the above article in, there are three types of savoring.

3 Types of savoring

  1. Savoring the past, also known as reminiscence. For example, remembering funny moments from school with a friend.
  2. Savoring the present or savoring the moment. For instance, enjoying a new meal by drawing your attention to the flavors and smells.
  3. Savoring the future, also referred to as anticipation. For example, visualizing the trip you have planned with your partner for this upcoming weekend.

There are also different levels of savoring.

There is some overlap with mindfulness and gratitude, however the author argues that savoring is a broader term.

This made me think, of ways I do or don’t savor things in my life, and how I can increase it.

Photos from past happy times always helps my appreciation of life. Smells, a sound or something I see will remind of a past event that was fun or meaningful.

The two most important ways I savor life in the preset, are by getting outside and taking nature photos. It forces me to focus on something outside myself, and to be more observant.

Savoring the future is tricky at times, because of some of my physical limitations, such as not being able to drive far. So I am trying to focus on how to savor what I can look forward to. Right now, I am savoring the day I can walk again. Then I’ll focus on an easy travel plan, or a dinner with friends. It will be little things, but will be happy times.

One of the biggest obstacles that stands in the way of my ability to savor life, is comparing my life to other people’s. I still struggle with that, and of course, I think my life looks boring in comparison. I also tend to “wish” away life, such as I “wish I had more money” , or “I wish I could do that”.

So, I have work to do! LOL

And funny enough, I savor going to PT, (which happens today), because I look forward to be able to get out of the house, as well as seeing people, and you get free coffee there!! Also my PT guys are cute and nice! Oh, and Mr. UT makes sure I get a fancy coffee after if it’s not too late!

With a Hop,

On Day 3158,


11 thoughts on “Savoring

  1. Just today after hubby and I worked all day we drove 1hr and 40minutes to our youngest college to have dinner on her birthday, then drove home getting us home near 10pm. As we drove home I savored that opportunity. Yea it was a very long day ( hubby gets up at 3am, me now 4:50am.) However that dinner and her smile was the best. Going to savor in that for awhile. 😃 Thanks for the reminder to keep on savoring!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. First of all, your photo of the snake made me happy! Second of all, I “wish” I had your eye and your ability to savor (ha!!).

    My mom used to say that she didn’t like surprises because she liked to look forward to things. She said she enjoyed the anticipation almost as much as the thing (like summer vacations to visit our grandparents). As a kid with delayed gratification challenges, I didn’t really understand, but I do now. Although I think that the present savoring is the best practice for me.

    And…. lake/river smells. There is a foot bridge on the path around Lake Nokomis that smells like my grandparents’ attic. EVERY time I go over it. Probably a dry Wyoming girl noticed Minnesota’s humidity smells more than some people. I love it. I should go walk there this spring.

    Happy PT/coffee/cute boys Saturday blow out!! Sending hugs, Adrian

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Smells are so powerful!
      I’m like your grandma on the anticipation is better than the real thing sometimes!

      But savoring the present is definitely best for me, too. Which is in bed, with a thermos of coffee left by Mr. UT because he’s off helping a friend, and he doesn’t want me hopping to get my own and spilling it everywhere!


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