Yikes! Last Month of 60’s!

Dear Readers,

Both Mr. UT and I are getting to what I call, the Middle Age of Old Age! LOL We will be both 70 this summer! YIKES!

This might mean we only have, (if everything goes as normal), maybe 10 to 15 years left to live. Some of those years might not be the best in terms of health. Kind of scary if I stop to think about it! In my case so many of my relatives lived to 90 ‘s so that’s even scarier!

Getting older is not easy, as people become more dependent on other people, and bodies hurt more, making it harder to not think about all the aches. This is something I have to fight against myself! It’s too easy for me to keep complaining about my aches and pains. I have to constantly think about just accepting them and then moving on with my day. (Accept to Mr. UT. I can complain to him! Part of the package deal!)

We couldn’t have any children, so not sure where we will move if or when we have to. (Not that our children would have wanted us close anyway! Lol ) But we have made a will, and are living within our means, so we will be ok until 90.

There is a lot to accept when you get old. I accept I don’t have the money or time to travel all the cool places I would like to. Then some body part falls apart making it hard to take some trips. Extremely dry eyes make it hard for me to drive far, so fortunately for Mr. UT, he gets to drives me! 😂

It’s been hard to control my weight at age 69.9. I have accepted I won’t be my thinner self, but it’s still hard to gain weight and grow out of clothes. Oh, I just signed up for a personal trainer at our gym! (Another old age perk. If you are lucky enough to afford a supplemental health plan, you can get a ton of free classes or memberships to all sorts of fun places!) If I have to be old and fat, at least I can be old, fat, and strong!

Good news? I call people honey, and I don’t care. I wear what I love, including pajamas watering my flowers and talking to neighbors! I take my implants off at coffee shops, which are so noisy! I still don’t like my wrinkles and sagging skin, but oh well! Too bad. Don’t look at me if you don’t like them! Ha I talk to strangers on walks which makes Mr. UT tell me only old ladies do that. Don’t care! I love it!

Some things I can change, but at 69.9 I’m finding my body simply won’t. The one thing I can change is my attitude. I have to keep my negative thoughts and comparing thoughts in line! I think I’m a realistic positive person. Not too fake positive, but realistic about life.

To be happy and somewhat healthy, I am finding these things help the most: I laugh as often as I can, but mostly at myself because I say the strangest things! I move in whatever way I can. (Although truth is, I still sit too much.) I volunteer, or find ways to be social. I try to keep in touch with family by text or phone. (As they live in other states.) I try to be grateful for all I have. I have to guard against “wish I would have”, and be happy with what I have done! Plan little things that bring me joy. My walks are one of my daily joys. I am learning to adjust to a constantly changing body, by learning to adapt to whatever it decides to do. And I hold hands and kiss Mr. Ut! (Even when he’s crabby!)
Finishing with a few quotes I found that made me laugh:

 “Don’t let aging get you down. It’s too hard to get back up.” -John Wagner

“The older I get, the better I used to be.” -Lee Trevino

“I don’t feel old. I don’t feel anything until noon. Then it’s time for my nap.” -Bob Hope

(That last one is me!)

With More Body Parts to Fix,

On Day 3225, Or 8 Years and 10 Months,

Love, Wendy

18 thoughts on “Yikes! Last Month of 60’s!

  1. You both sure don’t look 69.9! ❤️ Super cool you got a personal trainer! I love being strong! Your outlook is amazing and can sure help others, oh and the Bob Hope quote made me giggle. That’s a good one!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes that quote is me! 😂😂😂I loved my trainer! First day yesterday, was fun! Unfortunately, they are not cheap, but I’m hoping this gives me motivation to continue after I’ve used all the sessions!


  2. Happy 69.9!! I’m 56, but for some reason my brain has been saying “beats the alternative” a lot lately. Not with regard to me actually, but when looking at something/one in the world. My mom died at 67, and I love life and this world. Thanks for your beautiful note and your presence.

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  3. I’m going to adopt your quote “if I have to be old and fat, at least I’ll be old, fat, and strong!” I’ve been working on increasing my strength training but then it gets hot and all I want to do is ride my bike. Better than nothing though! Happy upcoming Birthday to both you and Mr. UT!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. If I have to be old and fat, at least I can be old, fat, and strong! I needed to read your post this morning…especially the line above. Still in a health crisis, recovery from Covid, got heart issues, kidneys, back issues, been laid up at home and hospital most of June, determined to get strong as I stumble into July. Heading to doctor today for a recap and next orders for doing this. I have great family, friends that are more than willing to drop off a meal, pray, drop off another mean and my acceptance of that has grown by leaps and bounds. I do need those God puts in my stubborn way of thinking I can still do for others and them not me. I want to be the one dropping off a meal, sending a gift card, but I simple can’t. Good place to be, the simple can’t place that leaves an open door for God to speak His love into my heart. Even though the physcial part of my life seems to be wasting away my inner parts, my spiritual part is growing my leaps and bounds. He has been so sweet to me as I sit up at night, not sleeping due to a hacking cough and mind racing due to drugs to drive the virus out of my body. He makes sure my mind races to His goodness in our lives through memories pictures, songs, events, ways He has used us, people who He brought into our lives. It takes patience to sit still and be sick so one can heal. But it takes God’ s love running in our hearts to see inside what He is doing. Oh how He loves you and me.

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