JOMO – the Joy Of Missing Out

Boy do I love this!! JOMO = Joy Of Missing Out. It comes from the Australian artist and cartoonist Michael Leunig and perfectly sums up where I’ve gotten to in my sobriety.

When I first quit drinking I feared I would become a sad & lonely sober loser and that everyone else would continue to have a fun and full life drinking alcohol. Basically I had intense FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). 

I remember so keenly the fear that I’d be missing out, that everything would be boring, that everyone would judge me. It’s crazy to think how much power I gave to bloody alcohol to make my life full, fun, and meaningful.

Of course none of my fears came true. Slowly as the weeks and years have gone by I’ve settled into being who I authentially am.

A person who can sit on the sofa at 9pm on a Friday night and not worry that others are out partying and having a great time.

A person who can ring in the New Year with a clear head and not feel left out because everyone around her has been boozing like crazy.

A person who loves nothing more than climbing into bed early with a good book and a mug of tea and doesn’t give a toss what anyone else might think about that.

A person who does what she wants to do, and doesn’t worrying about what others are doing.

In other words I no longer have FOMO – I have JOMO!

I don’t worry that I’m missing out, quite the opposite. I relish making choices which tend to be quieter and more nourishing.

JOMO – Get on it!!

Love, Mrs D xxx

JOMO (Joy of Missing Out) by Michael Leunig

Oh the joy of missing out.
When the world begins to shout
And rush towards that shining thing;
The latest bit of metal bling –
Trying to have it, see it, do it,
You simply know you won’t go through it;
The anxious clamouring and need
This restless hungry thing to feed.

Instead, you feel the loveliness;
The pleasure of your emptiness.
You spurn the treasure on the shelf
In favour of your peaceful self;
Without regret, without a doubt.
Oh the joy of missing out.

  1. Joy 2 months ago

    Love this. Totally upends a real fear in becoming sober.

  2. Pollyrue 7 months ago

    I love this! So true! Just the other Friday night I noticed 3-4 neighbors gathered around a little front yard fire pit after dark, and I thought “oh, I should join them!” A few minutes later I realized they were all pretty tipsy and quite nearly talking nonsense, not a conversation at all but each person sort of tossing out a thought and then someone else tossed out a thought, all about nothing really. I realized that I was missing out on absolutely nothing and had no desire at all to be there! Brilliant!

  3. Leslie123 8 months ago

    The Joy of Missing Out- includes being available evenings to visit, chat, help because I am not intoxicated and useless.

  4. ARkiwi 8 months ago


    • Feisty52 8 months ago


  5. BranNuDae 8 months ago

    I absolutely love this 🙂

  6. RosieD 8 months ago


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