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50 Mindful Steps to Self-Esteem
Presented by: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes
Executive Director, AllCEUs

CEs can be earned for this presentation at

~    Understand what self esteem is, why it is important and how to develop it
~    Explore how physical sensations give clues to what is important and whether you are living in harmony with our values (Gut)
~    Identify and address thinking errors that keep you stuck (Head)
~    Evaluate how emotions and the heart contribute to the development of self-esteem (Heart)
~    Examine how the environment impacts your self-esteem

The Nature of Self-Esteem
~    How you feel about yourself in contrast to who you think you “should” be
~    The more rejecting you are of yourself, the more
~    Distress you experience
~    You seek external validation
~    In order to develop healthy relationships you need to
~    Feel good about yourself
~    Get in touch with yourself and your true values
~    Choose actions in harmony with your true self

The Gift of Mindfulness
~    Teaches people to live in the moment
~    Not stuck in guilt or resentment of the past
~    Not paralyzed by fear of the future
~    Putting one foot in front of the other
~    Cornerstone of mindfulness is acceptance
~    Nonjudgmental
~    Letting be
~    Patient
~    Mindfulness teaches that when you trust yourself and act with awareness and purpose you become more self reliant

Note: The book will give you access to online, recorded versions of several meditations

Impact of Mindlessness
~    Ignoring or invalidating how you feel
~    Failing to integrate feelings, thoughts, sensations and urges
~    Running on autopilot and not making time for the things that are important (getting us closer to our ideal selves)
~    Blindly adopting mainstream messages of who/what we should be
~    Not in harmony with who we really want to be
~    Not achievable or realistic
Breathing and the Body
~    By developing mindfulness and self-awareness you can quiet your thoughts
~    The constant noise often prohibits from addressing the underlying issues of your emotional turmoil
~    Life becomes focused on treading water
~    Forward goals are exchanged for just surviving
~    By making contact with the present moment you can:
~    Find your strength
~    Learn to grow
~    Choose how you wish to respond
~    A Deep Full Breath
~    Abdominal breathing signals the brain to slow down and relax. “Rest and digest”
~    Simply paying attention to your breath often causes it to slow down
~    Feel the loving touch (Your Breath)
~    Life begins and ends with breath
~    Breathing helps relax the body and move Qi
~    Add visual and auditory breathing reminders
Activities cont…
~    In and Out
~    Inhale and take in positive affirmations
~    Exhale and let go of stress and negativity
~    Taken another step further, imagine inhaling cooling/calming blue air and exhaling stresses (red, black, gray)
~    Read the Inscription
~    Pay attention to what your body is trying to tell you (Lenny)
~    Practice noticing points of tension/tightness/heaviness and feel them relax or loosen as you exhale
Thinking and the Mind
~    An Impartial Witness (Fly on the wall)
~    Stop Sorting (into good and bad)
~    See the Whole Elephant
~    The issue
~    The strengths
~    Spin the Wheel of Paradox
~    Work
~    Traffic
~    No Blame
Emotions and the Heart
~    Spaciousness
~    Recognizing all the emotions contained within your heart
~    Cultivating warm heartedness
~    Plant your garden (What are you going to care about)
~    Tend and befriend
~    Count Your Blessings
~    Delight for Others
Being in the World
~    Claim Your Emotional Baggage
~    Don’t let it stay on the conveyor
~    Don’t give it to someone else
~    Listen—Just Listen
~    Listen to hear and understand (yourself and others)
~    Speak with Compassion (To yourself and others)
~    Write Your Job Description
~    Goals
~    Duties

~    Self esteem begins in childhood
~    Being aware of your self helps you identify your strengths and develop your “me” identity.
~    Part of self esteem development includes
~    Values identification
~    Understanding wants vs. needs
~    Addressing cognitive distortions
~    Being aware of sensations, feelings and thoughts
~    Helps choose behaviors which are in unison with values
~    Helps support you through the difficult moments
~    Silences the critics
~    Clarifies who YOU are and what YOU want