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You Can Assess Your Own Drinking Level

September 27, 2021

Check your alcohol intake because alcohol consumption has risen during the pandemic.

We differentiate between 5 levels of consumption: non-drinker; light; moderate; heavy; and abusive.

A non-drinker doesn’t mean absolute zero. It really refers to the very occasional drinker who maybe a few times a year might have one or two drinks.

Light drinking is defined as one to six drinks a week, not more than three per occasion. Moderate drinking is a dozen beverages weekly or within the range of about seven to eighteen weekly.

Heavy drinking is 24 beverages weekly or within the range of 18 to 30.

Abusive drinking means that the level of consumption over the course of years put the person at risk of serious alcohol related illnesses. That level is defined as 35 beverages or a range starting at about thirty per week to sky’s the limit.

The most common alcohol related illnesses are esophageal cancer, cirrhosis of the liver, dementia of the Korsakov type, pancreatitis and diabetes.

However, as one moves across the levels there is also an increased risk for social and financial problems. Those problems may arise in the partner of the person consuming, their children or workplace, let alone for the person directly. The financial expense of consuming at a heavy level is about $2,000 annually.

Just to add, there is binge drinking which is defined as five or more beverages per occasion, at least once per month. Risks of binge drinking include unintentional injury and death as well as many other unintended outcomes.

A drink is defined as a standard size beer, four ounces of wine or an ounce to 1.5 ounces of liquor.

So, judge yourself, for yourself.

Please consume responsibly, should you choose to consume.

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I am Gary Direnfeld and I am a social worker. Check out all my services and then call me if you need help with a personal issue, mental health concern, child behavior or relationship, divorce or separation issue or even help growing your practice. I am available in person and by video conferencing.

Gary Direnfeld, MSW, RSW for counseling and support – to build your successful practice

Gary Direnfeld is a social worker. Courts in Ontario, Canada, consider him an expert in social work, marital and family therapy, child development, parent-child relations and custody and access matters. Gary is the host of the TV reality show, Newlywed, Nearly Dead, former parenting columnist for the Hamilton Spectator and author of Marriage Rescue: Overcoming the ten deadly sins in failing relationships. Gary maintains a private practice in Georgina Ontario, providing a range of services for people in distress. He speaks at conferences and workshops throughout North America. He consults to mental health professionals as well as to mediators and collaborative law professionals about good practice as well as building their practice.

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