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ACT and the Matrix
What Every Counselor Should Know
with Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes
Executive Director, AllCEUs
Host: Counselor Toolbox & Happiness Isnā€™t Brain Surgery

CEUs based on this video are available at

~ Review the main points of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
~ Review how to apply the matrix
~ Identify the shortcut question
The Main Principles of ACT
~ The goals are to:
~ Create a rich and meaningful life, while accepting the pain that inevitably goes with it.
~ Learn to perceive difficult thoughts and feelings as harmless, even if uncomfortable, transient psychological events.
~ Take effective action guided by your deepest values and in which you are fully present and engaged. (No autopilot)
Control is the Problem, Not the Solution
~ Clean Discomfort: When emotions and reactions are accepted, it leads to a natural level of physical and emotional discomfort
~ Dirty Discomfort: Once you start struggling with it, your ā€œstruggle switch is turned onā€ and discomfort increases rapidly.
~ Struggle switch is like an emotional amplifierā€”switch it on, and you can have anger about your anxiety, anxiety about your anger, depression about your depression, or guilt about our guilt.

Experiential Avoidance

~ The more time and energy spent trying to avoid or get rid of unwanted feelings in general, the more we are likely to suffer ā€œQuicksandā€
~ Anxiety (Fear things wonā€™t get better)
~ Anger (Frustration things arenā€™t getting better)
~ Depression (Hopelessness and helplessness—resignation that things canā€™t get better)
Changeable Variables in Context
~ Emotions are a natural way your body prompts you to act.
~ Focus on changeable variables in the context in which the issue occurs
~ Physical vulnerabilities (sleep, nutrition, pain)
~ Relationships (boundaries and communication)
~ Thoughts (Distress Tolerant)
~ Behaviors (DBT/CBT)


Six Core Principles of ACT
~ Values Awareness
~ Contact with the Present Moment
~ The Observing Self
~ Acceptance
~ Diffusion
~ Committed Action

Clarifying the Destination
Values & Goals Awareness
~ A lack of clarity about values can underlie much of peopleā€™s distress or keep them ā€œstuck.ā€
~ Like going on a road trip without a destination
~ They can get caught up spinning their wheels trying to fight against something or use that same energy to work toward something.
~ ā€œWhat is the most effective use of your limited energy and time to help you achieve your goals?ā€

Clarifying the Destination
Values & Goals
~ Clarifying
~ Relationships: Who is most important to you?
~ Which people?
~ What do you want those relationships to be like?
~ What events, things, experiences are meaningful to you?
~ Work
~ Health
~ Personal Growth
Clarifying contā€¦
~ Values
~ What values do you want to embody (Choose 5)?
ACT Matrix: Destination Identification
ā€¢ Values Awareness
ā€¢ Contact with the Present Moment
ā€¢ The Observing Self
ā€¢ Acceptance
ā€¢ Diffusion
ā€¢ Committed Action

The Observing Self
The Audience
~ Fly on the Wall /Scientist/Nurse doing bed check
~ Curious
~ Objective
~ Nonjudgmental

Mindfulness in the Present Moment
Awareness of What Is
~ Contact with the Present Moment/Bringing full awareness to your here-and-now experience
~ How do I feel?
~ What are my thoughts, wants and urges?
~ What physical sensations am I experiencing?
~ Describe the environmentā€”smell, temperature, colors, objects, people, sounds, etcā€¦
~ I (see, hear, smell) ______ It reminds me of _____
Acceptance (Radical)
~ Making room for unpleasant feelings, sensations, urges
~ Allowing them to come and go without running from them or giving them undue attention.
Cognitive Diffusion
Unhooking Thoughts and Behaviors
~ Cognitive diffusion means:
~ ā€œStepping backā€ and recognizing that thoughts are just temporary, automatic events
~ Unhooking:
~ Thoughts/feelings donā€™t always have to lead to action

Cognitive Diffusion
Unhooking Thoughts and Behaviors
~ Hereā€™s a simple exercise in cognitive diffusion:
~ Think of a negative behavior. ā€œI need to Xā€ ā€œI need to have a drink.ā€
~ Think about it. Believe it as much as you can.
~ Notice how it affects you.
~ Now insert the phrase ā€œIā€™m having the thought thatā€¦.ā€ in front of ā€œI need to X.ā€
~ Think about it.
~ Notice what happens.
Cognitive Diffusion
Unhooking Thoughts and Behaviors
~ Hereā€™s another exercise in cognitive diffusion:
~ Think of a negative self-judgment that takes the form ā€œI am Xā€ such as ā€œIā€™m stupid.ā€
~ Think about it. Believe it as much as you can.
~ Notice how it affects you.
~ Now insert the phrase ā€œIā€™m having the thought thatā€¦.ā€ in front of ā€œI am X.ā€
~ Think about it.
~ Notice what happens.
Other Unhooking Techniques
~ Thoughts are not causes. ā€œIs it possible to think that thought, as a thought, AND do x?ā€
~ Who is in charge here? Treat thoughts as bullies
~ OK, you are right. Now what?
Committed Action
~ Commit to:
~ Mindfulness to identify diversions
~ Being willing to accept what is (Distress Tolerance)
~ Actively unhooking to examine the situation objectively so you can:
~ Choose/commit to behaviors that will move you toward your goals and values
~ Choose to let go of thoughts, feelings and behaviors that divert you from your goals.
Matrix: General
Toward Behaviors Cheat Sheet
~ Imagery
~ Meaning
~ Prayer
~ Relax
~ One thing at a time
~ Vacation
~ Encouragement
~ Activities
~ Contributing
~ Comparisons
~ Opposite Emotion
~ Pushing Away
~ Thoughts
~ Sensations
ACT Matrix
ACT Matrix
ACT Matrix
ACT Matrix
ACT Matrix
ACT Matrix
ACT Matrix
ACT Matrix
ACT Matrix
Put It Together
Example: Do Something Embarrassing
Example: Chronic Illness
Shortcut Question
~ Are my current thoughts, feelings and actions moving me closer to, or further away from my goals and values.
~ Is [this] worth my energy?
~ The goal of ACT is to create a rich and meaningful life, while accepting the pain that inevitably goes with it
~ Therapeutic Interventions focus around two main processes:
~ Developing acceptance of unwanted private experiences which are out of personal control.
~ Commitment and action toward living a valued life.

~ Every event is an opportunity to choose thoughts and behaviors that will help you use your energy to move toward your goals and values
~ Acceptance means accepting, without judgement, how you feel and the situation as it is instead of fighting against it.
~ Commitment and purposeful action mean that you choose to use your energy on thoughts and behaviors that move you closer to your goals


Counselor Toolbox Podcast
