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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Skills
Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes PhD, LPC-MHSP, LMHC
Executive Director, AllCEUs

Continuing Education (CE) credits can be earned for this presentation atĀ

~Define Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and its basic principles
~Identify factors impacting peopleā€™s choice of behaviors
~Explore causes and impact of thinking errors
~Identify common thinking errors and their relationship to cognitive distortions

Why I Care/How It Impacts Recovery
~The way people perceive the world and interpret events leads to behavioral reactions
~A person who perceives the world as hostile, unsafe and unpredictable will tend to be more hypervigilant (until they exhaust the stress response system)
~A person who perceives the world as generally good and believes they have the ability to deal with challenges as they arise will be able to ā€œallowā€ their stress response system to function normally.

Factors Affecting Rational Behavior
~Negative emotions
~Sleep deprivation
~Poor Nutrition
~Intoxication (Alcohol, Barbiturates, Street Drugs)
~The introduction of a new or unique situation
~Exposure to un-preferable situations
Factors Affecting Rational Behavior
~Peers or family who convey irrational thoughts as necessary standards for social acceptance.
~ā€œNobody wants to associate with ā€œthoseā€ peopleā€
~Lack of supportive peers to buffer stress

A Note About Irrationality
~The origins of most beliefs were rational and helpful given:
~The information the person had at the time
~The cognitive development (ability to process that information)
~ā€œIrrationalityā€ or unhelpfulness of thoughts comes when those beliefs are:
~Perpetuated without examination
~Continue to be held despite causing harm to the person

Sometimes it is more productive for clients to think of these thoughts as ā€œunhelpfulā€ instead of ā€œirrational.ā€
Basic Principles
~In cognitive therapy, clients learn to:
~Distinguish between thoughts and feelings.
~Become aware of the ways in which thoughts can influence feelings in ways that sometimes are not helpful.
~Learn about thoughts that seem to occur automatically, without even realizing how they may affect emotions.
~Constructively evaluate whether these “automatic” thoughts and assumptions are accurate, or perhaps biased.
~Evaluate whether the current reactions are helpful and a good use of energy, or unhelpful and a waste of energy that could be used to move toward those people and things impotent to the person.
~Develop the skills to notice, interrupt, and correct these biased thoughts independently.

Causes of Thinking Errors
~Information-processing shortcuts
~Using outdated, dichotomous schemas
~Mental noise
~The brain's limited information processing capacity
Causes of Thinking Errors
~Emotional motivations
~I feel bad, therefore it must be bad
~Moral Motivations
~It was the right thing to do
~Social influence
~Everyone is doing it
Impact of Thinking Errors (Fight or Flee)
~Emotional upset
~Sleep problems/changes
~Eating changes

~Stress-related illnesses
~GI Distress

Thinking Errors
~Emotional Reasoning ā€“Feelings are not facts
~Learn to effectively identify feelings and separate facts
~I am terrified
~About what are you terrified?
~What is the evidence that you are in danger now?
~In what ways is this similar to other situations?
~How have you dealt with those situations?
~Develop distress tolerance skills
~Develop emotional regulation skills

Thinking Errors
~Cognitive Bias/Negativity/Mental Filterā€“ Focus on the negatives and worry about the future
~What is the benefit to focusing on the negative?
~What are the positives to this situation?
~What are all the facts?
~Coin toss activity
~Disqualifying or minimizing the positive
~Would you minimize this if it was your best friendā€™s experience?
~What is scary about accepting the positive?
~Sometimes we disqualify the positive because it fails to meet someone elseā€™s standards, might that be true here?

Thinking Errors
~Egocentrismā€“ My perspective is the only perspective
~Question: What are some alternate perspectives
~What are some alternate explanations for the event that did not involve you
~How often is it really about you?
~Availability Heuristic

Thinking Errors
~Are you confusing high and low probability outcomes?
~How much will this matter 6 months from now?
~What have you done in the past to tolerate events like these?
~Love vs Hate
~Perfection vs. Failure
~All good intentions vs. All bad intentions
~Availability Heuristic: Remembering what is most prominent in your mind
~What are the facts

Thinking Errors
~Availability Heuristic: Remembering what is most prominent due to (frequency, intensity or duration) in your mind
~What are the facts
~How often does it really happen
~How long has it been since you have seen that behavior
~The good times are amazing, but how frequent are they compared with the bad times?

Thinking Errors
~Belief in a just world/fallacy of fairness
~Question:Ā  Identify 4 good people who have had bad things happen.
~Attributional Errors (Labeling yourself not a behavior)
~Global vs. Specific
~I am stupid vs. I do not have good math skills
~I am (and always will be stupid) vs. I can learn math skills
~It is about me as a person vs. It is about a skill/skill deficit

Questions for Clients
Belief = Thought/Fact + Personal Interpretation
~What are the facts for and against my belief
~Is the belief based on facts or feelings?
~Does the belief focus on one aspect, or the whole situation?
~Does the belief seem to use any thinking errors?
~What are alternate explanations?
~What would you tell your child/best friend if they had this belief?
~What do you want someone to tell you about this belief?
~How is this belief
~Moving you toward what and who is important to you?
~Moving you away from what or who is important to you?

Irrational Thoughts (Beliefs)
~How do these thoughts impact clientsā€™ emotions, health, relationships & perceptions of the world?
~How may have this been helpful in the past?
~Dealing with irrational (unhelpful) thoughts
~Is this thought bringing you/the client closer to those people and things important?
~Are there examples of the statement not being true?
~How can the statement be made less Global, Stable, Internal?
Irrational Thoughts (Beliefs)
~Mistakes are never acceptable.Ā  If I make one, it means that I am incompetent.
~When somebody disagrees with me, it is a personal attack against me.
~If someone criticizes or rejects me there must be something wrong with me
~To feel good about myself, others must approve of me.
~To be content in life, I must be liked by all people.
~My true value as an individual depends on what others think of me.

Irrational Thoughts (Beliefs)
~Nothing ever turns out the way you want it to.
~I wonā€™t try anything new unless I know I will be good at it
~I am in total control. Anything bad that happens is my fault.
~If I feel happy about life something will go wrong
~The past repeats itself.Ā  If it was true then, itā€™s true now.
~Itā€™s not my fault my life didnā€™t go the way I wanted.
~If I am not in an intimate relationship, I am totally alone.
~There is no grey area.

~Thoughts impact behaviors and emotional and physical reactions
~Emotional and physical reactions impact thoughts and interpretations of events
~Irrational thinking patterns are often caused by cognitive distortions
~Cognitive distortions are schemas which were formed based on faulty, inaccurate or immature knowledge or understanding
~By identifying the thoughts (hecklers) that are maintaining unhappiness, the person can choose whether to accept the thoughts or change them.