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See 11/17/2020 Class for CEUs. This class is combined with that days class.

CEUs available at:

~ Learn more about diabetes
~ Explore the overlap between diabetes, depression and other autoimmune issues.
Diabetes—Blood Sugar Imbalance
~ Insulin helps the body’s cells use blood sugar for energy
~ Lack of insulin means inability for the body to effectively metabolize the blood sugar  High blood sugar
~ Insulin levels may be out of balance because of
~ Destruction of beta cells in pancreas (autoimmune (worsened by stress))
~ Too much blood sugar / insufficient insulin production / insulin sensitivity
~ Thyroid dysfunction
~ HPA-Axis: Inflammation, sleep deprivation, anxiety, PTSD
~ Eating Habits: Processed foods, continual eating

~ Diabetes Type I (Insulin Insufficiency)
~ Usually diagnosed in children, teens, and young adults, but it can develop at any age
~ Caused by an autoimmune reaction that destroys beta cells in the pancreas which prevent or hamper the body’s ability to make insulin
~ Other autoimmune issues (fibro, lupus, MS, eczema, rheumatoid arthritis) increase risk for Type I diabetes

~ Diabetes Type 2 (Insulin Resistance in Cells)
~ Impacts about 10% of the population
~ Also may be autoimmune in nature
~ Risk Factors
~ Overweight and obesity due to the eating habits which result in a nearly constant flow of insulin or frequent insulin spikes
~ Circadian rhythm disruption
~ When your cells are consistently exposed to insulin or exposed to frequent floods of insulin, they become less sensitive to its presence (insulin resistance). Consequently, the pancreas makes more insulin to try to get cells to respond. Eventually your pancreas can’t keep up, and your blood sugar rises, setting the stage for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. (Similar to drug tolerance)

Symptoms of Blood Sugar Imbalance
~ Symptoms Hyperglycemia
• Increased thirst
• Frequent urination
• Headaches
• Difficulty concentrating
• Blurred vision
• Fatigue (weak, tired feeling)
• Weight loss
• Blood sugar more than 180 mg/dL

~ Symptoms Hypoglycemia
• Nervousness, anxiety, shakiness
• Anger / irritability
• Depression
• Sweating, chills, or clamminess
• Difficulty concentrating
• Hunger or nausea
• Blurred vision
• Weakness or fatigue

Hyperglycemia Risk Factors
~ Risk Factors
~ HPA-Axis: Stress—emotional (depression/anxiety) or physical (illness)
~ Miss your insulin dose
~ Eat too many carbohydrates for the amount of insulin administered
~ Become inactive or exercise less than usual
~ Often also coincides with stress / HPA-Axis activation
~ Take part in strenuous physical activity, especially when your blood sugar levels are high and insulin levels are low
~ Certain medications:
~ Corticosteroids Steroid-induced diabetes should resolve soon after the conclusion of steroid treatment
~ Thyroid dysfunction (10%)
~ Iodine insufficiency

Hypoglycemia Risk Factors
~ Risk Factors
~ Increased age
~ Underactive thyroid
~ Kidney damage
~ Skipping meals/ Erratic eating (depression)
~ Drinking alcohol
~ Heavy exercise
~ Beta Blockers (HBP)
~ Can cause symptoms of depression
~ Antidepressants
~ Pancreas communicates with the brain via serotonin signaling and the vagus nerve

NOTE: Stress increases the rate in which we burn through glucose, but also triggers the HPA-Axis to dump glucose  HYPERglycemia
Autoimmune Issues (Reciprocal)
~ Body mis-identifies healthy tissues as pathogens and attacks
~ Risk Factors
~ HPA-Axis Dysregulation  Inflammation  Hyperglycemia Insulin Sensitivity
~ Stress and PTSD
~ Hypocortisolism & Depression
~ In depression the HPA-Axis is continually upregulated from distress  desensitization of cortisol receptors  increased activity of inflammatory cytokines & disturbances in neurotransmitter functioning
~ Other autoimmune issues
~ Certain viruses (Epstein-Barr/Mono)
~ Alcohol consumption
~ Genetics

~ Can be autoimmune in nature
~ Thyroid disease interferes with metabolism and can alter blood sugar increasing the risk of developing diabetes, and it making it harder to manage your blood sugar with diabetes.
~ Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism are both associated with hyperglycemia

Exploring the Overlap
~ According to the CDC approximately
~ 13% of American adults have diabetes
~ 35% have prediabetes
~ Diabetes is an autoimmune condition
~ Autoimmune conditions cause and are caused by inflammation
~ Inflammation hyperexcites the HPA-Axis
~ Inflammation and HPA-Axis overactivation are associated with depression and anxiety
~ All people with depression and anxiety should be evaluated for autoimmune issues including diabetes
~ Integrative recovery plans should focus on reducing inflammation, regulating the HPA-Axis to prevent or mitigate any autoimmune issues.