Lifestyle Balance

Lifestyle Balance

Research tells us that there is a great link between our brain and our body. Looking after our physical health is super important to looking after our mental health and vice versa.

The House Analogy

There are 4 walls to the house- physical, mental, sense of self and relationships. If any one wall starts to crumble the roof will become unstable, placing more and more tension on the other three walls, until they also start to crumble.

Lets take the example of Joe Blogs, Joe recently lost their job. Joe’s job had given them a sense of purpose, and without this they begin to feel sad, and develop a sense of purposelessness. With this Joe’s mental health wall starts to crumble. They begin to isolate themselves, finding it difficult to speak with friends and family about their experience, their relationship wall is now crumbling too. With an increase in social isolation and feelings or sadness, anger, and loneliness, they stop going out to the gym, stop walking the dog and stop cooking meals for themselves, eating more take out or not eating at all. In combination, they don’t have the energy for household chores and the housework begin to pie up, Joe’s physical health wall is now crumbling, leaving only a sense of self. Well without all the other walls in-tact, being able to practice mindfulness, spend time in nature, participate in hobbies all become an added difficulty, and now the sense of self wall is also starting to crumble.

In summary, its vital to look after all of our walls! Here’s some ideas to get you started looking after your lifestyle balance.

Physical Health

Mental Health

Eat healthy and regular meals


Good physical hygiene

Have a safe, calm and comfortable place with a roof over your head

Make your environment look as you want it to.

Avoid drugs and alcohol

Drink water

Regular GP check ups

Take medication as directed

Get quality and quantity sleep


Seek help from personal and professional supports

Practice mindfulness

Keep a thought journal or brain dump

Practice noticing and naming your thoughts and emotions

Practice regular breathing activities

Understand what is in your circle of control and what is outside

Practice self soothing and grounding exercises using your 5 senses

Notice any unhelpful thinking styles and challenge these

Practice self reflection

Set SMART goals and reflect on these


Sense of Self

Communication is key- honest, open and assertive- practice I statements

Quality time

Set healthy boundaries

Ask for support

Develop trust and respect

Have fun with others

Know and communicate when you need alone time

Develop connection and intimacy

Practice creativity- draw, paint, music, dance

Get out in nature

Immerse in your senses- have a bath, light a candle, cook good food

Understand and stick to your values- what is important to you


Reflect on your achievements

Set goals and develop a sense of purpose through work and hobbies

Yoga and mindfulness

If you are struggling to get the balance right, contact our psychologists at Prosper who will work with you to get your life balanced in the way you want it to be.


Rachael Beckley