Sober Story: David

David :)

This week's Sober Story comes from David (@davidfs), a 62-year-old living in Queenstown, Central Otago.


Mrs D: How long have you been in recovery?

David: My current journey is 3 years, but I have been honestly trying to stop drinking for about the last 5 years. Prior to that, despite, on some levels knowing I had a problem, I remained in denial.

Mrs D: What can you tell us about the last months/years of your drinking before you gave up?

David: I was drinking more and more (I had in the last year or two considered myself a high functioning alcoholic, truth was I was a barely functioning human being). I was drinking a 3 litre box of wine every night. I'd pass out drunk at some point, only (like most of us), to wake up at 3am with the sweats, remorse . . . . so then I'd finish what was left in the box, sleep for an hour or two and drag myself into the shower to start another day. I was lying about my drinking, hiding alcohol all over the place and manipulating situations where I could be home alone to drink all day.

Mrs D: What was the final straw that led you to get sober?

David: That in itself is such a huge question, I was in the process of ending a toxic relationship of 18 years (this was the last thing my partner wanted) the divorce was acrimonious to say the least, and I was drinking a lot. I remember being on the phone to my lawyer one day, I told her "Well you're the fucking lawyer, you sort it out". Later, when I apologized, she generously denied ever having received that call. I was no longer in touch with any of my family. I micro-managed my staff and was quite petty about the smallest of issues. My business partnership was on pretty thin ice, my anger very close to the surface and patience non-existent. A friend took a photo of me beside my bus (I had just bought it), I was horrified I looked like a scarecrow. I had lost 12 kilos in 6 months. So in answer to your question, that photo was the last straw, I had literally got to the point of do or die.

Mrs D: How was it for you in the early days? What was most difficult?

David: So many day ones and broken promises. I'd gain momentum only to crash and burn over and over. Looking back, I realise a big part of this was due to having no belief in myself or my ability to change. I didn't like or trust myself in any way. I persevered with endless weeks of little or no sleep. There's the answer, the most difficult was the lack of sleep, it was driving me insane, or so I thought.

Mrs D: What tool or tools did you use to help you?

David: The only thing that really helped was white knuckling through it and walking. I'd get home from work and walk. On bad days I'd walk with earbuds in and music so loud I couldn't hear my own thoughts. On better days I'd walk around interesting areas (boat and boat harbors or marinas do it for me). I'd walk till I felt I could walk no more, then I'd turn around and walk home, often crawling into bed too exhausted to even worry about eating (by then my weight was going up as I would eat during the day). I read a bit of quit lit but the only one that really spoke to me was Dave Horry's (@daveh) Lying Minds, it flipped a switch in my brain. The Living Sober community was a place I could scream and cry at all the injustices of my life without being judged, people believed in me despite me not believing in myself. This was a whole new concept.

Mrs D: What reaction did you get from family & friends when you started getting sober?

David: To make myself accountable (no more lying to myself), I announced on Facebook both my alcoholism and my intention to give up. The minute I posted it I regretted it, what the fuck had I done? What idiot does that? But the next day I was amazed at the reactions, many from people I had not connected with in years. There was not one negative comment, it was like the biggest thumbs up I'd ever seen. Family was pretty non-existent by then and my social group (the people I hang with) were all drinkers to one degree or another but still all supported me. In the last few years my non-drinking is either just normal or treated as a joke with my friends, "oh yeah, he drinks the free council wine" (bottled water at the end of the bar). One friend often asks "do you want some expensive lolly water" (his reference to non-alcoholic beer), but I can laugh at myself nowadays so it's all good.

Mrs D: Have you ever experienced a relapse?

David: I was six months sober; I'd done the recovery walk in Auckland and had life all sorted (or so I thought). Then Covid came and lockdown hit us all. I moved my bus to behind my work and spent the days and nights alone in my office. It started with a bottle a day but soon the old manic depression took hold, and I was hallucinating and being tormented by a mouse (he was a real mouse but in my befuddled mind I had given him amazing powers, he was opening and closing doors downstairs in the building just to annoy me). A friend in Taiwan rung and realising something was wrong (I was talking gibberish a mile a minute), contacted my business partner. Friends gathered and offered support (as much they could given the restrictions at the time). I moved the bus out to my business partners farm and started walking . . . . . . . . again.

Mrs D: How long did it take for things to start to calm down for you emotionally & physically?

David: Lotta, you ask huge questions yet with so few words. My 40 + years of heavy drinking (I'd started at 14) had left me highly anxious, depression (both low and manic) were always close at hand. My walking had kept me pretty fit physically and I was putting on weight but emotionally there was a lot of work to do. It was well into my 2nd year sober that I realised I was making steps in this area and was becoming an adult emotionally. My business partner has been a fantastic role model and unknowingly has taught me so much. I think my biggest revelation was understanding that most humans struggle in life in one way or another, we never know what's really happening for someone else so being kind and trying not to judge is the best we can be.

Mrs D: How hard was it getting used to socialising sober?

David: You're assuming I'm getting used to it! I'm not a people person (as a customer once told me) and have accepted I never really will be. Socialising never has come easily but certainly being sober gives me greater confidence. 3 years in and it's still a work in progress, perhaps it always will be.

Mrs D: Was there anything surprising that you learned about yourself when you stopped drinking?

David: I can tie knots. Sounds stupid I know but I did cubs, boy scouts and more, yet I could never tie a knot. This is kind of symbolic of a lot of things in my life, I just couldn't do or learn stuff. I now know that I can learn, and do. I learn by repetition, and now I understand this I know I can do almost anything I set my mind to. Knots became important because I want to learn to sail. Now I can tie them, I can learn, and that's growth.

Mrs D: How did your life change?

David: Easy, my thinking changed from negative to positive. I love my life. I laugh and cry (at times) like everybody else but above all and on the whole, I'm a happy contented person. Thats huge.

Mrs D: What are the main benefits that have emerged for you from getting sober? (12 words)

David: Every part of my life has benefited from getting sober. (10 words 😊)

Mrs D: Would you do anything differently given the chance to go through the process again?

David: Thats like asking "would I go back and change my life If I had the opportunity?" NO. I'm realistic enough to know that I cannot change the past but also the past does not control my future, and that future is exciting and full of possibilities. Live the moment.

Mrs D: What advice or tips would you have for those who are just starting on this journey?

David: It's not easy. You need to be prepared to put in the hard work and face all of your truths no matter how difficult this is. White knuckle through the cravings if you have to, believe me they do recede in time. Learn that you can't control everything, nor do you need to. Most of all enjoy the journey, it's awesome.

Mrs D: Anything else you'd like to share?

David: Writing this has been a roller-coaster of emotions, reliving both the very best and the absolute worst of the last 5 years. It's taken 3 days and a lot of laughter, and equally as many tears to get this on paper but it was a privilege to be asked to write it and relive all those memories. Thank You. If anything I have written offers even the smallest glimmer of hope to anyone starting out, then that's an added bonus that makes it even so much more worthwhile.

  1. ojala 1 year ago

    Thank you so much for caring enough about the rest of us here to share your story. Our sober time is so incredibly valuable and meaningful. While drinking, our thoughts are so paranoid, plagued with misconceptions and stunt out emotional growth. I’m in the first months of year three and I know there is still a lot left to learn on this journey. Happy to walk with you!

  2. pinchie 1 year ago

    Absolutely love this @davidfs. Thanks so much for sharing. A very good read. I’ve only known you, through your posts and comments, over the last 1.5 years – the drinking person you describe is unrecognisable to me. Go you. You rock.

  3. Feisty52 1 year ago

    @davidfs – all that walking pays off, aye. Well done, you! So much growth and still growing. Exciting. Hard to believe the last three years has gone by. You helped me a lot in the early days, having a familiar ‘face’ on line. One of the benefits of sobriety has been meeting you. Well written. Raw and inspiring. Catch up soon.

  4. Phoenix54 1 year ago

    Thank you for telling your story . My sober time is similar to yours. I have followed your story for the past 3 years and always found inspiration in your posts. Keep writing! You and @daveh have a lot to offer.

  5. Liberty 1 year ago

    It’s a privilege to read it and to have been here for all the ups and downs. Yes, it’s wonderful to see you happy and peaceful. Long may it be so. We’re all works in progress, right?

  6. booms 1 year ago

    Thank you so much for sharing, as someone still contemplating this journey I appreciate hearing from others.

  7. popcorn-eddy 1 year ago

    More a roaring beacon than a small glimmer. Thanks for sharing.

  8. MissFreedom 1 year ago

    Great to you read your story , very inspiring

  9. reena 1 year ago

    Dear David i absolutely loved your story you should think about writing. That relapse sounded horrifying I am so glad you back to us. You always offer kind support, i was surprised to read you are not a “people person” you seem to have a group of friends and doings and such on the weekend. Nice to get a glimpse into a person Ive know on here for a long time. So glad we “met”.

  10. RJ2020 1 year ago

    Loved reading through this. Thanks for sharing

  11. Hammer123 1 year ago

    Wow 3 years really does just fly in. I remember your posts about all the walking. Congratulations and thanks for sharing your journey with everyone. So true it’s not easy but it can be done and you are proof of that!

  12. Lee2 1 year ago

    I can tie knots.. I can really appreciate that @Davidfs. I am learning that my OCD triggers my alcoholism and vice versa. To live with all of that for so long, I often think how in the fuck have I survived. You did a fine job with this writing and I am really happy for and proud of you. Now to follow your lead.

  13. Nina 1 year ago

    Thanks for writing David. That takes courage. Big congrats on a much healthier and happier life, 3 years on.

  14. annkarels 1 year ago

    What a beautiful story in all its ups and downs. I appreciate your honesty here. @kiwi is right…joy jumps off the page. It is truly an honor to be in this community with you, and I appreciate your willingness to share wisdom, humor, experience both here and with each person as you comment.

  15. Booga 1 year ago

    OMG ! A cask per DAY ! Jeez that’s a lot of alcohol. Well done you 🙂 xx

  16. fridaymay92014 1 year ago

    I love your story. Your story and journey is inspiration for me. I was here 3 years ago and followed some of your progress then and I love hearing how happy you are now-that is the inspiration. Thank you.

  17. Tom4500 1 year ago

    Well said, David.

  18. gretel9 1 year ago

    Thank you for sharing this part of your life, I realise it can’t be easy!!

  19. PickledPepper 1 year ago

    Inspiring story, thanks for sharing

  20. JoJoa 1 year ago

    Great support crew – you must be a people person sometimes! Thanks for sharing your past experiences.

  21. SugarBelly 1 year ago

    I remember reading about all that walking. What a fantastic journey. Keep on. Best.

  22. Kiwi 1 year ago

    Enjoyed reading this, touched a lot of nerves for me! The thing that I like the most is the JOY that jumps right off the screen at me, this is what we are all aiming for in our life’s without alcohol, Joy ,Freedom and Happiness! Your a fine example of that. Thanks for sharing your journey..

    • 20012015 1 year ago

      @Davidfs What a great read. Your honest, upfront and gutsy story has truly resonated with my today. I’m on leave today so after I’ve been to gym I am going to start reading Dave Horry’s (@daveh) Lying Minds. Thanks a bunch 😊

  23. Rowyourboat 1 year ago

    Thank you for sharing your story David. It’s been a real privilege getting to know you and wonderful to see you flourish. More exciting times ahead!

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