Anti-racism in Education: Stories of Growing Activism

Anti-racism in Education: Stories of Growing Activism ed by Geetha Marcus and Stefanie Van de Peer is now available. Take a look at some of the feedback we have received about this impactful book.

“This book is dripping with hope wrung from struggle, Every chapter and every page tells a white story, a black story and then a story, more universal despite all the critical diversity, of change. Even when the odds are stacked. Even when no one is with you. Even when you alone, and black and exposed in the appalling loneliness of leadership each of these scholars of sociology show that there is change if you stay with the trouble and the troubling of self, structure, system and story.

There is no recipe or gantt chart; no log frame or linear programme that can be deduced from each story in this book. Instead, in a turn from sociology and social science to the beating heart of the humanities there is a conclusion in love, in care, compassion and connection. And it is this that speaks to the authenticity and fluidity of this fraught moment in history and in sociology. The fact that a combination of love and scholarship – not either or but both add – bring us, again, to that earlier decolonial and hopeful moment of the legacy of Paulo Freire: “No matter where the oppressed are found, the act of love is commitment to their cause–the cause of liberation” (Pedagogy of the Oppressed). I commend this book to all students of sociology and as a vision of the storying of futures of care, compassion and connection fiercely grounded in rigour, public telling and intellectual thought.”

Alison Phipps OBE Professor of Languages and Intercultural Studies, University of Glasgow

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