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Hopscotch Kids (free app)

by creativeplaytherapist

Hopscotch Kids Games – Why child therapists are loving this NEW mental health games app for kids

Technology is allowing innovative clinicians the opportunity to create new pathways for people to learn, practice, and interact with behavioral health materials – all while having fun! As a result, there is a growing trend of digital play for children that enhances mental health and emotional regulation. Digital emotional wellness support is on the rise, and child therapists can leverage this trend to capitalize on in-session and in-between-session learnings.   

Hopscotch Kids Games – A mental health games app for kids  

Inspired by the mindful tech movement, Hopscotch has recently launched Hopscotch Kids Games, their latest initiative to support children’s mental health. This new, free gaming app for kids is designed to foster mental wellness in a format that is engaging and enjoyable for children everywhere. When your clients download Hopscotch Kids Games, they will be transported to a world of interactive games and activities that teach mental health skills such as emotional regulation, self-awareness, and resilience.

About the app

Hopscotch Kids Games  is an interactive, behavioral health app specifically designed for children who are developmentally 4-8 years old. Hopscotch Kids Games uses educational games and learning activities to teach mental health skill building to children. Designed by top child experts, Hopscotch Kids Games will help children learn vital emotional skills through a variety of games, stories, and activities that support their mental well-being. 

The games and activity-based resources on the app complement the exceptional work you do in-session with your clients, and the games currently offered through the app feature the basic psychological methodologies that children are taught in therapy. For example:

  1. Calm Coloring teaches mindfulness through digital art. 
  2. Sammie’s Senses guides children through their five senses while helping them practice grounding. 
  3. Sammie’s Breathing Adventure shows children how to practice emotional regulation through fun deep breathing exercises.
  4. Interactive click-through stories teaching emotional resilience. 
  5. 40+ pieces of educational audio content through Hopscotch Kids Radio.

The Hopscotch Kids Games app is currently available for FREE in the Google Play and Apple App store.

Bonus app content: Supplemental app resources designed to help maximize a child’s learning experience and promote the parent-child relationship are available to caregivers and child therapists. Encourage your families to sign up for Hopscotch’s Kids newsletter to receive helpful tips and hands-on resources. 

Benefits – 5 Reasons why child THERAPISTS love the Hopscotch Kids Games app.

  1. Hopscotch Kids Games is backed by science.
    The app and games were designed by child behavioral health experts and are based on evidence-based interventions such as Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), mindfulness exercises, grounding practices, and more.
  2. Hopscotch Kids Games is considered “fun homework” in-between sessions.
    If you are like most therapists, then you only see your client once a week, and you probably wonder, “Are the parents reinforcing the in-session skills at home? Are they doing the interventions that we talked about?” Hopscotch Kids Games can be a fun and easy way to get these questions answered, because the app provides families with an enjoyable way to continue to do the work in-between sessions.
  3. The app saves therapists time and money.
    Hopscotch Kids Games can drastically reduce the amount of time (and money) spent researching, downloading, and printing resources for clients. By using the app as a resource, you don’t need to spend your personal, unpaid time and printer ink accumulating resources for clients. Instead, resources for at-home practice are available right through this app. 
  4. It’s a great back-up lesson plan resource.
    Hopscotch Kids Games functions as an excellent backup lesson plan if the client arrives needing a different form of support than originally anticipated. 
  5. Hopscotch Kids Games offers families something to take with them post-therapy.
    The Hopscotch Kids Games app provides an opportunity for continuous skill building in the home between sessions or after therapy termination. Sometimes families end child therapy early or abruptly, and there may be no time for offboarding or closure. Either way, by ensuring this app is on their tablet or phone, therapists can provide families with quick access to a mindful resource that can be revisited even after therapy sessions end. 

Download and start playing for FREE today!

Whether you’re working with clients in-person or through telehealth, the Hopscotch Kids Games app can make your sessions even more fun and effective. In-person, you can use the app to teach and practice important skills and create a dynamic learning experience. During telehealth sessions, your clients can conveniently access the games on their own devices and share their experiences and insights with you. 

Encourage the caregivers of your clients to download the Hopscotch Kids Games app to continue their child’s progress outside of sessions. 

Remember: You are the expert, and your clients will appreciate your resource recommendations. 

When you recommend this resource to your clients, here is what they need to know: 

Benefits – 5 Reasons why PARENTS and CAREGIVERS love the Hopscotch Kids Games app.

  1. The Hopscotch Kids Games app provides a clear avenue for caregivers to get involved in their child’s therapy journey.
    For a child to make the maximum amount of progress in therapy, caregivers need to be involved in the process. The Hopscotch Kids Games app empowers caregivers with a clear and direct way to confidently become involved and help reinforce in-session learnings in the home.
  2. It provides caregivers with opportunities to meaningfully connect with their child.
    The games and activities on the app provide a common ground for caregivers to interact with their child and be a part of their child’s therapy journey. By exploring the app with their child, caregivers can support their child’s mental wellness and foster healthy parent-child connection.
  1. Parents learn from the activities, too!
    For caregivers who have ever wondered, “Am I doing this right?” the app provides an opportunity for caregivers to have a meaningful and fun time connecting with their child while learning and growing alongside them.
  2. The app is easily accessible and FREE.
    Caregivers love having mindful (and fun!) digital resources available at their fingertips for their children to use. 
  3. It helps balance screen time concerns.
    Caregivers are right to be concerned about mindless screen time, but Hopscotch Kids Games is far from mindless. Hopscotch Kids Games is a digital tool that is mindful, educational, and fun. To put it simply, the Hopscotch Kids Games app features content parents and providers can feel good about. 

Benefits – 5 Reasons why KIDS love the Hopscotch Kids Games app. 

  1. It’s fun and entertaining.
    Hopscotch Kids Games was designed for children by child mental health experts. Kids will love the interactive activities, engaging games, and colorful interface.
  2. The app provides them with opportunities to meaningfully connect with their caregivers.
    Children innately crave attunement with their caregivers, and Hopscotch Kids Games app provides children and parents with a mindful medium to enhance their relationship in a meaningful and fun way.
  3. The games and activities are emotionally regulating.
    The games and activities are designed to promote a child’s self-esteem, confidence, and inner calm.
  4. It allows them to become emotionally invested in therapy.
    Play is a child’s language, and when they are able to interact in a meaningful and playful way with therapeutic concepts, they organically develop a positive regard towards the therapeutic process.  
  5. The app helps them make mindful connections between in-session work and real-life moments.
    By providing children with mindfulness practices in the comfort of their own home, the Hopscotch Kids Games app allows children to assimilate in-session learnings in a real-life setting.

Start playing today!

Simplify your resources and enhance your therapy sessions by downloading Hopscotch Kids Games today-it’s free!

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