A Helpful List To Combat Cravings

blocks with 'no!' on them

Cravings are arseholes. They hit and they can be so powerful and they suck.

Often they come on the back of some emotional pain, so they’re pain on top of pain. And they can be so hard to resist.

My mind would get utterly obsessed with the craving, all I could think about was how much I wanted a drink, how a drink would be just lovely, how easy it would be to just have a drink, how lots of other people were having a drink right now and enjoying it, how a little wine would’t hurt, boy did I want a drink, couldn’t I just have a wee drink?, I deserve a drink, I WANT A DRINK!!!!!!

On and on and on the craving would go inside my head – because predominantly that’s what a craving is, a wall of non-stop words inside the head that just won’t shut up. Meanwhile my body would be restless and itchy and jittery and out of sorts. My whole being would be out of sorts. Craving, CRAVING a drink.

Bloody arsehole craving.

I tell you what. Those cravings are not going to go away if you feed them. This is the awful truth. If you feed them, they stay strong. You have to ride them out again and again and slowly you will starve the bastards and they will fade away.

Know this when a craving rears it’s ugly head. Try to step back a little from inside yourself and detach. It is not you, it is a passing feeling.

Talk out loud to the craving. Say, “I’m having a hard-out craving right now” to your loved ones or your reflection in the bathroom mirror. Even that little act will diminish it’s power a little.

Be curious about the craving. Examine it in a clinical fashion. Where you are feeling it in your body. Is it a tightening in the chest? Is it tension in the shoulders? Then do some things to help you get through;

  • Visualise yourself getting into bed sober and waking up so, so happy with no hangover or guilt
  • Run yourself a big, hot bath
  • Go for a run
  • Eat something yummy or make yourself a smoothie or a hot drink
  • Go to bed and hid under the covers
  • Walk the dog, pat the cat, feed the fish
  • Play cheesy music really loudly and SING
  • Yell out loud “I’M NOT FEEDING YOU CRAVING!!!!!!”
  • Do some yoga
  • Go for a swim
  • Bake a cake
  • Binge watch Netflix while eating chips and dip
  • Write out all the reasons why you don’t want to drink alcohol any more
  • Phone a friend
  • Write a letter to your future self about how brave and amazing you are being
  • Log in to the Members Feed here and talk to others who know what it’s like to fight off bastard cravings
  • Do some housework
  • Pluck your eyebrows
  • Sit outside wrapped in a blanket and count the stars
  • Do some gardening
  • Walk the streets at night
  • Comment at the bottom of this post with any ideas you have to beat cravings
  • Know that the craving won’t kill you
  • Know that if you resist this craving the next one will be just a tiny bit weaker
  • Trust
  • Have faith
  • Hang in there
  • Believe

Do one or many of these things, or your own things, and slowly over time, the more cravings that you resist the weaker and less frequent they will get until eventually they will disappear altogether. Gone.

Trust me on this. I used to experience such strong cravings all the time but now I’m twelve years sober and never get them at all. NEVER!

And I sure don’t miss those bastards at all.

Love, Mrs D xxx

  1. Evergreen 5 months ago

    I will try this today… when I know I will really feel like a wine around 4.30pm.. although, I usually have a wine so I have the energy to do lots of those things on the list.. but I’ve been thinking this is probably just a trick and I would still do those things? Or maybe I just need to do a couple of them instead of drinking and staying up late doing lots of stuff then waking up exhausted the next day…

  2. Katy Langston 6 months ago

    So true!!! My first sober year was tough. The cravings were relentless in the evenings. I thought of it like the voice of a demon. It harassed me for an entire year! But, like you say, feeding it won’t make it stop. And, I decided I’d rather deal with cravings than blackouts, temper tantrums, hangovers, etc. I rekindled many old hobbies in sobriety and picked up new hobbies too. I started skateboarding again and learned to roller skate and do dance skating. Adrenaline helped me forget my cravings. In addition, I can get addicted to healthy adrenaline too!

  3. Martinkelly 8 months ago

    Really looking forward to being sober only on Day two not looking forward to the weekend that’s when I really get my cravings drinking been my Hobie my whole life Iam 36 just fed up of drinking every single weekend until I pass out on the sofa and wake up Hung over really hope I can stay sober it’s going to be the hardest thing ive ever done

  4. Newstart1962 8 months ago

    Great read Great truths Happy Saturday

  5. zoradin 8 months ago

    Thank you for this. I just joined because I’ve been fighting alone for so long. The advice I get is so stupid sometimes. It’s nice to hear from my own point of view which you seem to have written this in

  6. Anonymous 8 months ago

    Great thorough list. Good to keep handy. I think I will add it to notes on my phone for when my other tools are not working.

  7. Findingmeagain 8 months ago

    Great post. I will be re visiting this on Friday afternoon.
    Water plants- my additional activities

  8. Debbie2019 8 months ago

    Thank you for this – it is great!!!! It usually doesn’t take long for the craving to go away once you focus on something else – like you have listed. For me also, having peppermints is good, as NOTHING tastes nice after eating peppermints lol

  9. Soberlinda 8 months ago

    exactly what I need right now, on vacation, surrounded by people enjoying wine. feel like I am missing out. But, I will be happy in the morning that I did not drink. Day 79, can’t cave now.

  10. Kdmac 8 months ago

    @adriana thanks for your comments. You have no idea how much I needed to hear that. Well done you as well. I can’t wait until I can say 6months! .

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